Will You be My Future?

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I started packing up to leave the hospital. Justin already left due to what I said to him earlier. I felt a little bad for what I said to him but I also think he deserves it.

I understand this was his child also but we weren't married. Therefore I didn't have to tell him. I mean, he feels betrayed I get it...not like I haven't felt betrayed also.

He's cheated on me ..behind my back and in front of my face. He's humiliated me and hurt me. Physically and emotionally so basically he isn't experiencing half the pain I'm going through...I hope not.

I started exiting the building with my guards behind me and Becky and a few others around me.

I stayed close to my guards as all the papparrazi's blurted non-sense. There were tons of beliebers outside all throwing bad comments to me. It made me feel bad but why are they getting  mad at me? Justin's the problem.

I haven't seen much of my fans which worried me. I think I'm a bad person now but it doesn't really get to me when all the beliebers try to tell me that. Theyre just thirsty.

As  I got into my car, a belieber threw some kind of food at my window it looked greenish.I flicked them off as everyone "ooohhed" ..I just scoffed.

:New Message:


- Hey, wanna come to my crib? We need to chill ..we haven't done that in a while.


I could tell Marcus was bored due to his lack of emoji's

:Incoming message:


-see you soon! (:


I picked up some lattes at Starbucks. As I ordered I noticed some guys checking me out and a pap recording. I smirked. I Just played a flirtsy game also by smiling at them with that body language. I wasn't really wearing anything slutty though. I wore something nice and cute. I just wore a pink floral jumpsuit with white converse and had my hair up in a cute bun. Very light makeup like a baby-pink lip gloss.

"oh this outta be fun" I whispered to myself.

I picked up the lattes and left the doors. I knew the guys were following-i can hear their footsteps behind.

One of them were actually cute, but as I laid the lattes down on top of my car to open the door one of them turned me around and kissed me ...that pissed me off. I kneed him in his balls and pushed them leaving them in the parking lot.

*******21 minutes later******

I pulled up at Marcus' house and noticed a lot of cars. I sighed at the fact that there must be a few people here and decided to leave the lattes so I wouldn't be rude that I only brought two.

I didn't want to ring the doorbell because I was shy -- there were too many people.


-come outside I don't want to enter. by myself.. there's too many people here

*message received*

::From: Marcus:

-Your such a baby ..ugh alright.



*Justin's p.o.v*

I was on my way too Marcus' house to 'talk' . He invited me over for some reason and suspected we haven't hung out lately...I could've swore we hung out a week ago.

At a red light I pulled up a notification from TMZ:

:Kalanis Got a Lover? #Lovesick:-

Today at Starbucks Kalani Velasquez played flirtsy with a guy who was checking her out. (I mean who wouldn't) She was ordering two lattes and noticed the guys and gave them smiles with lovesick body language. As she left the guys followed her and as she laid her lattes down to open her door one guy spung her around and reached in for a kiss.

In the mean while, is Kalani officially over Bieber?Better look out Justin she's a handful

Watch The video for further evidence:


I watched the video of Kalani and grew anger and felt upset. The video only ended when the guy exactly  spung her around. That was a weird cut off but it was real.

I pulled up to Marcus' house walking up to the door; tears streaming down.

*Kalani's p.o.v*

I've been laying down in my car staring at the ceiling waiting for Marcus to come out...10 minutes later. I wondered who was outside because i heard a car lock and hoped it was Marcus. I heard nothing else but the sound of crickets until someone knocked on my window.

"Hallelujah Marcus! what took you so long?"

"Sorry, I forgot" Marcus replied.

"Aye bro you ready to hold her down?-here take her keys so she can't escape" Marcus said to fredo and Khalil.

"Wait what why do you need to loc-"

Marcus and Khalil held me in a strong grip so I wouldn't 'run' I got confused at why I would run and heard Ryan and a few other guys in the background of the house

"Aye Marcus I got Justin so he won't run either, hurry up and bring her in so you can lock the door!"

"Justin?" I said to Marcus and khalil "oh my gosh Marcus stop! don't do this! This is so fucking messed up"

I loosened the grip of them running around the house so  I could leave but failed..

Ugh why does he do this to me??!


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