[3] New School, Same Old Me

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Algebra with Ms. Winstead isn't all that bad. Definitely not because Ms. Winstead turned out to be cool or anything, but because of the enigmatic figure that lurks in the back row: the one and only Mr. Greek God.

Despite my best efforts to play it cool, I find myself stealing glances at him throughout the class. Time seems to fly by, and before I know it, Mr. Greek God is packing up his bag to leave. I seize the opportunity to leave with him, eager to get a closer look.

What has gotten into me? Why am I being so thirsty for this random dude? I am such a simp. But who cares? Look at those eyes!

"Cool shirt," he says with a smirk when he catches me staring at him. Oops. I feel my cheeks go red.

"Oh...thanks! You uh like Scooby Doo?" I stammer. Oh my god. Get a grip, Kat!

"Sure," he says, with half a smile that is swoon worthy. "I like Scooby Doo."

"I don't think I caught your name," I say.

"That's because I didn't tell you, Scooby Doo," he winks and once again walks away before I can say anything.

I can't believe it. Did he really just call me Scooby Doo? I can't decide if that's worse than Katy or not.

As I stand there, stunned, my cousin Macey comes up behind me.

"Whoa, was that Will Walker you were talking to? How?" she asks. 

"Well, hello to you too Macey. And yes. Well, I think so. Who's Will Walker, again?" I reply.

"Only the school's baddest bad boy. He's an arrogant jerk," she warns me.

"He sounds like he's straight out of a cheesy teen fiction book," I laugh. "Can I be the good girl who brings out his soft side?"

"Hah! Like you're a good girl," She snorts.

"Ouch, Mace," I put my hand on my heart, gasping. "You just really hurt my feelings!"

Macey shakes her head. "Trust me, Kat, you don't want to get involved with him. He's a total fboi."

I can't help but be curious. "I'll take my chances," I smile. Macey sighs and warns me again, but I brush it off.

I notice the girl I met this morning glaring at us from a distance. We make eye contact and suddenly, her expression changes and she smiles, starting to walk up to us.

"Katy! And...oh, what was your name again?" She looks at Macey, her tone sugary sweet.

"It's Macey, Ashleigh. We've known each other since the fifth grade. And her name is Kathryn," Macey replies, irritation clear in her voice.

"Right, of course. Anyway, Katy, I noticed you talking to Will out there," Ashleigh says, her voice lowering slightly.

"And?" I respond, unimpressed.

"Well, I don't know how to say this nicely, but I need you to back off," Ashleigh commands, shooting me a dirty look.

"And why would I give a shit about what you want?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Because we're friends, silly!" Ashleigh replies, her fake smile widening as she looks around to make sure no one else is listening.

"No, we're not," I state bluntly.

"I could ruin you, Kathryn." So now she gets my name right.

"Is that a threat, Ashleigh?" I ask, stifling a yawn.

"Damn right, it is." Ashleigh confirms. I exchange an incredulous look with Macey.

"You know what, Ashleigh? Go ahead and try," I respond, a hint of amusement in my voice.

"You better watch your back, bitch," Ashleigh growls, her anger now palpable. I can't help but smirk. At least Regina George was subtle.

"Oh, go fuck yourself, Ashleigh." I say a little too loudly, earning us a few glares from the people around us.

"Miss Davis, that is not an appropriate way to speak to a fellow student. Detention for you," Ms. Winstead reprimands, having overheard the exchange.

Oh, well. New school, same old me. At least I resisted the urge to punch Ashleigh in the face.




Pierre Boulanger as Will! I loved him in Monte Carlo and thought he'd be a great fit even though his character was more of a 'good boy' in the movie. What do you guys think? For some reason, Wattpad won't let me update the cast. It's probably some kind of glitch and will hopefully be fixed soon.


I think George Finn makes an even better Will. He's the one whom I always picture as Will! You'll probably recognize him as Chad from LOL, the Miley Cyrus movie.

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