[42] Jailbait

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Holden. What a sexy name.

I go to up to the counter to pay for the bread that my brother had asked me to buy and keep replaying that incredible kiss in my mind. It was short but passionate. It was perfect. I also replayed Will's face when he stormed off.

I see Ashleigh waiting outside for me and fill her in on what just happened.

"Oh. My. God." She starts to freak out.

"Tell me about it."

"I can't believe he actually kissed you." She looks at me with surprise. 

"I can't believe I asked him to kiss me. The lack of sleep is really starting to get to me." I cover my face with shame. 

"Do you want a ride home?" She asks.

"Nah, it's cool. It's a short walk."

"Alright, I'll see you later." She waves and takes off.

Little does she know that my sudden desire to walk home has a reason. 

"Holden, like Holden Caulfield?" I question, running up to the sexy cop, who I spotted down the street.

"I don't know, maybe." He shrugs.

"I like it."

"Look," He suddenly stops and looks me in the eye for only a split second before looking to his left and then his right. "What happened was a mistake."


"We were irresponsible. I just ran through the database on my phone to see that you're not even 18."

"Dude, you didn't sleep with me," I roll my eyes. "It's no big deal."

"Yes, it is. I'm a police officer, Kathryn." He looks disgusted.

"Oh, come on. I'm turning-"

"Sorry, Kathryn. I can't be around you. You're jailbait." He says and walks away before I can complete my sentence. 

He didn't even let me tell him. I continue to walk home, disappointed.

I go straight to my room and crash early, trying to make up for all the sleep I lost. Oh, my bed feels heavenly. I flutter my eyes shut.


My sleep is interrupted in what I presume is the middle of the night by the loud sound of a balloon bursting.

"Oops!" The familiar voice of my best friend squeaks.

"Jules?!" I suddenly rise, surprised.

"Happy birthday!" She yells and envelopes me in a hug.

"Is it midnight already? I can't believe you're here!" I hug her back.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday!" 

Ashleigh enters the room and yells when she sees me up. "Happy birthday, Kat!" 

Starla and Darla throw a bunch of black and pink balloons on me and wish me as well. I look around to see my entire room filled with balloons and my heart swells with joy.

"Oh my god, you guys! Thank you so much!" 

We head downstairs and Wyatt, Colt, and Alex stand by the dining table with a big cake with eighteen candles on it.

"Alex!" I say, surprised to see him here.

"Happy birthday, KD."

He pulls me aside and we talk in private.

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