Settling in

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It's been about three months. Since Jeff and I moved into the apartment, and we were all settled in. I was about four moths pregnant. I had stopped going to school, I just did am online school.

"Hey" Jeff smiled walking in the door and throwing his bag to the side, shortly followed by his jacket, then shoes.

"Hi!" I said eagerly getting off the couch and hugging him "mm I missed you!" I said digging my head into his chest

"I missed you too" he said rubbing my back

"How was school?" I asked walking into the kitchen

"Eh, school. Justin is gettin kinda popular" he said

"No he's not?!" I smiled widely

"Yea he is! He has a girlfriend." He said

"Whaaaat?! No way! Who?" I asked

"Caitlin" he said


"Oh, Justin is gonna come over in a little bit" he said flopping on the couch

"Hey" I said sitting down and putting my feet on his lap "will you run my feet, they're swollen"

"Yea!" He said as he started to rub them

An hour later there was a knock on the door

"Come in!" Jeff and I yelled in unison assuming it was Justin

"H... Hey guys!"

"Hey nerdy! How's your girly friend?!" It teased

His face got slightly red "good" he laughed "so umm I have s... Something to tell you."

"Ok, what?"

"D... Did you know that if I sing I don't stutter?" He said

"What?" I asked confused

"When I sing I don't h... Have a stutter, this guy f... Found me, a few years ago my mom put some videos o... Of me singing. And he wants to t... Try and sign me with someone." Justin said

"No way!" I yelped "that's awesome!"

"Yea I know, I just uh, I'm gonna have to move, I mean if I e... Even get signed, I'm gonna have to move to the U.S" he said

"Oh...." I said a little bit sad. Justin was like my best friend

"I... I mean that's IF it even happens" he said

"No yea, that's awesome! Justin!" I said "your gonna get famous and be a playa and get laid every night, and you'll have a sexy shawty on each arm" I laughed

He laughed "y... Yea. I doubt that" he said

"No but seriously I'm so happy for you" I smiled

"Th... Thanks" he smiled, then it turned into a strait line "I'm leaving tomorrow, i... If he signs me. I'm not going to come back." He said

"Oh" I said "well when you get loaded you can fly us up" I smiled knowing if he did get signed I wasn't going to see him again, he's forget all about me.

"I'm sorry" he said


*five months later*

The baby was going to come anytime. We had bags packed by the door just in case. Justin left and got signed, I'm so ecstatic for him. He'd already lost touch with me though. But I was so happy. He was already a huge pop star, and girls where in love with him. I've listened so his music and it's absolutely amazing. You can't tell he has a stutter at all.

"JEEEFFF!" I yelled

"What is it?" He asked a little annoyed that I had interrupted his morning routine

"The baby's coming" I said breathing heavily

"Oh my god!" He said with wide eyes

He grabbed the car keys the bags at the door and my hand. And We sped to the hospital.

"Ok push!" The doctor said

I screamed out in pain, but did as I was told. About thirty minutes if this and it was finished. The doctor and the nurses exchanged ann odd, yet worried look. Then they started to rush. Not a word was said to Jeff, or me.

Twenty minutes later my main nurse, and doctor came in.

"Jeff, Kathy" my doctor said in a pitiful tone "I'm so sorry" he said

Jeff and I instantly found each others gaze, and we both had tears in our eyes.

"When she came out, she couldn't get a breath in. We tried everything that we could but she wasn't able to breath. She didn't make it, we are incredibly sorry" he said, he put his head down for a minute or two then left the room closing the door

I started sobbing, and so did Jeff.

The next day, we went home. No words where exchanged. It was silent, on the ride home, then when we got home. We both had such an emptiness inside of us, nothing could heal. Nothing but time.

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