01 | One-Shot (Hufflepuff_Demigod)

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Hazel's cheeks glowed bright pink in excitement as she walked towards Percy's apartment. "Frank is going to love this..." she thought, holding the bright green bag gently.
Calypso was walking beside her, holding a large orange bag tied with a piece of lace ribbon. "I really hope Leo likes it..." she thought.
Percy had invited his friends to his house for pink (and blue) cookies, which had soon turned into plans for a Valentine's Day party. No one had thought of bringing gifts, really, but now six demigods (and one Calypso) were walking towards his house with gifts to give to the one they loved.
Meanwhile, Frank and Leo were at Percy's apartment already.
"I got this necklace for Calypso." Leo said, proudly displaying the bright red colored jewelry.
"That looks gorgeous, she's going to love it!" said Frank. "Now I feel like I didn't think hard enough about my gift..." He opened a small box to reveal a large purple pillow with Hazel's name stitched into the corner. "Is it bad? It seemed all right at the time..."
"That's cute, I bet she'll think so." Percy laughed. "But you do realize that you didn't have to bring-"
"Shut up." Jason laughed. "You bought something for Annabeth."
This earned a blush from Percy as he brought out a sea-green gift bag and nodded. "I saw this really cool journal and I got it for her, it's not like I spent weeks thinking about-"
Suddenly Annabeth and Piper came through the door, each of them holding a gift.
"You guys too, huh? I guess everyone's getting a gift anyway. Jeez, this is like Christmas."
"I'm okay with that." Percy said, handing a cookie to each girl. "Christmas is fun."
"Plus you love presents." Annabeth teased, holding out a small blue box.
Percy opened it and smiled. "Oh, it's a bead!" he exclaimed, gently tugging the small blue heart out of the box. It was carefully inscribed with the names of his best friends.
Meanwhile, Jason handed Piper a blue-collar box. She opened it to see a pair of heart earrings.
"My mom is probably up there swooning right now." She laughed as she handed him a brown gift bag decorated with colorful stripes. "This is for you."
He opened the bag and took out a shining watch.
Piper blushed. "I know, it's kind of-"
He stopped her with a hug. "I love it."
Leo scoffed. "Jeez, I can't watch all this lovey-dovey stuff."
"You're just waiting for Calypso to turn up."
"And you're just waiting for Hazel. I bet she's going to give you a present, too."
"I saw both of them carrying presents on my way here, but for some reason they're walking here so it'll take them longer to get here."
"Really? I didn't know she got me something." It made the tips of Leo's ears turn pink.
"If Hazel gets you a pink scarf and you wear it, I am so making fun of you."
"Hey, scarves aren't so bad..."
"A pink scarf isn't manly."
"Hazel knows what I like. I don't care what's manly, and more than that, I'm going to like whatever she gets me. I bet Calypso will get you pink flowers."
"Calypso knows that I'll like whatever she gets me...but she'd get me something more manly than Hazel would get you. Calypso's the best girlfriend there is."
"Hey, that's not true! You only started dating recently." Frank folded his arms.
Suddenly, both girls walked in.
"Oh! I got you something!" Leo said as he walked over to Calypso.
She blushed as she saw the necklace. "Thank you. Look, I got you something, too."
Meanwhile, Hazel handed Frank her bag as he gave her the pillow.
Both Frank and Leo simultaneously pulled out their gifts. Suddenly they stared at each other's gifts.
Both of them held the same stuffed dragon.
"You got him a-"
Suddenly the four of them looked at each other and laughed. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

PJO Magazine Issue #15 - FebruaryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu