08 | Interview (crazedauthors1903)

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Hey guys, I'm interviewing an amazing Fanfiction author named 'crazedauthors1903'

Q. So, do you mind if I ask a few questions for the PJO wattpad magazine?

A. OH! Sure! I would love to!

Alright, so here it goes!

Q1. What is your favorite Percy Jackson and the Olympians book?

A. The Battle of the Labyrinth. The Last Olympian is a very close second though!

Q2. What was your favorite Fanfiction to write?

A. My Long Lost Broken Best Friend, definitely! But I loved writing them all!

Q3. What was your favorite book from both of the series?

A. Mark of Athena. 

Q4. Out of all the books, what was your least favorite?

A. The Blood of Olympus. 

Q5. Ok, Final question! What had inspired you to write Fanfiction?

A. Well, after Blood of Olympus ended, I wasn't really satisfied with the book itself. Then I realized that I could write my own stories using the Percy Jackson universe. Me and my friend started writing a story called Half Blood Heroes. Then I discovered Wattpad and saw I could have people read and give feedback on my stories. So that's what I decided to do, and I published my first Fanfiction.   I've been in love ever since!

Thank you for your time! Have a great day! crazedauthors1903 everybody!

PJO Magazine Issue #15 - FebruaryWhere stories live. Discover now