02 | Rant (HappyBubbles203)

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February, the month of Valentine's Day and romance. Love is in the air this month but not for Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano! In the books, it it stated that she had a crush on both Jason Grace and Percy Jackson. Her feelings for the two heroes, however, were never returned.

During a quest with Jason in Charleston, South Carolina, Aphrodite had spoken to Reyna. The goddess of love said, "You will not find love where you wish or where you hope. No demigod shall heal your heart."  Therefore a demigod will never love Reyna back, no matter how desperate she may be.

There are people out there that say the Praetor of New Rome could fall for Apollo, since he recently became mortal. I for one, don't think that is going to happen. First of all, they never met and they only have 4 books to fall in love. Now you may say, "but Jason and Piper fell in love in one book and so did Leo and Calyspo!" But think about it, do you really think Reyna-the strong young praetor- is going to fall in love with Apollo- the whiny ex-god? See, it's not likely.

Then there is the thing with Thalia. Don't even get me started. First of all, remember that whole, “No demigod shall heal your heart.” stuff? Well, Thalia is a still a demigod as well as a huntress. It's not like her parentage gets stripped when she vows herself to the goddess of the hunt. Plus, Thalia isn't allowed to even date. If she did, she would break her vow to Artemis. Therefore, Thalia is out of the question.

Reyna has had a bunch of relationship fails and it would just be better off for her to be a Single Pringle. She has never had any luck so far with boys and yet, she has become the most powerful woman in the legion. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano needs no man and can handle herself. Heck, for a few months, she was able to manage the twelfth legion on her own. She doesn't need anyone to take care of her or protect her.



PJO Magazine Issue #15 - FebruaryWhere stories live. Discover now