One - This is Our Anthem

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This, is Berk.

It is home to one of the most stubborn and hot-headed viking tribes you'll find in the north, with exception of a few.
The Hairy Hooligans.

The tribe has lived on the island for seven generations, each more fierce than the last, and even though their village is raided on a weekly basis, they refuse to leave, and simply rebuild what was lost.

The Chieftain, Stoick the Vast, has followed tradition and tried to eliminate the root of their problem, only to return with fallen warriors and broken battleships.

If you have a hard time getting up in the morning, you're sure to be awoken bright and early by explosions, screaming villagers, and-


Edge comes running out of her home, her older siblings Ruffnut and Tuffnut- the twins, hot on her heels. A house nearby is blasted by a Hideous Zippleback, debris skimming their limbs as they run.

The three split up so that the twins can help the fire brigade, whilst Edge runs to aid others getting the livestock to safety, grabbing a disoriented hen on her way.

As young and wild as Edge might seem, she cares deeply for the safety of others, animal and viking alike. Berk is her home, and the people are all a part of her family.

As her and a man named Mulch gather up a few straggler sheep, a body falls from the sky, and a Deadly Nadder swoops down to gather the poor viking in its claws. Edge, acting quickly and quite irrationally, starts yelling and flailing her limbs.

Mulch looks on in horror as the Nadder turns to them, shaking in his boots, and even more so when he hears the familiar ballistic screech of a Night Fury in the sky.

"Go, Mulch! Find someplace safe for you and the sheep." Mulch doesn't need to be told twice, so he runs off with the sheep, only stopping when realises he left little thirteen-year-old Edge alone with a full-grown dragon.

A catapult explodes in the distance, have been hit by the blast of the Night Fury, another blast following.

Near a house a little further away, Stoick and a group of vikings are trying to contain several dragons in a net when they hear hollering approaching.

A woman carrying another net runs towards the screaming Edge, who throws herself on the ground, letting the woman trap the Nadder who was following her.

"G'morning Chief Stoick." Edge pants, quickly running off to aid some nearby villagers getting a herd of sheep inside.

The Chieftain shakes his head at the girl's reckless actions, but thanking the gods nonetheless, for she's a promising one, unlike his own son Hiccup.

Edge turns as she hears her Chief yell, seeing his arms clamped around a Nadders jaws, it's head flailing wildly.

"Mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them."

It only takes her a short while to lock up the last sheep, securing the yaks to the ground with ropes, and grabbing chickens under her arms.

And so she runs along with three terrified hens in her grasp, but is cut off by the defence tower exploding in the distance, and debris from a nearby house hitting her body forcefully.

She sees a Gronckle emerging from the burning rubble, heading straight for her and the hens.

"Oh Thor." She mutters, and sprints off.

Hiccup, son of the Chief, comes running along the plaza, screaming at the top of his lungs, a Monstrous Nightmare following close behind. He gains the attention of the villagers around him, including his father.

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