Six - The Defeated

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Edge wakes up to a gloomy day, having dreamt of her parents. The sky is grey and the birds are surprisingly silent for once. Not a single rooster had made a sound through the early hours of the morning, and Edge feels well rested, she needed a good sleep, and has finally gotten it.

Though the thought of her parents was not welcome in her dreams, it was a peaceful dream. They were out at sea, the strong winds biting at their faces, the sails billowing, the waters murky and mysterious. They never entered the weird foggy part of the sea that Edge's mother has told her about so many times. They were just drifting, unharmed and safe.

Remembering her dream fondly, Edge feels secure as she walks to Meade Hall. Her parents will return to her, just as they always have, she's sure of it.

Grabbing leftovers from breakfast, Edge strolls around the village calmly, taking small bites from a loaf of bread. She suddenly remembers the creature from the cave, but is not left fearful, more so intrigued, because the creature had looked at her curiously, and not with death and murder in it's eyes.

The Book of Dragons must have some information about this... thing that she encountered. And so Edge reminds herself that she needs to ask Gobber if she's allowed to study up on it, desperate to know if she can ever go back to her cave.

Greeting a few of the Hooligans on her way, she debates whether it's worth it to stop by the arena to find Gobber. She decides that it's definitely not, and carries on home to do some doodling in her neglected notebook.

As she enters her house, the sun has risen and the birds are flying about right over the roof. Edge smiles and stands still in the doorway to warm her body and soul.

"Well, I suppose sitting on the steps won't hurt anybody." She mutters to herself, and dashes through her home to find her trusty notebook.

Edge draws out everything she can remember about the cave. From the tiny brazier to the size of the passage, and she draws the dragon too. She hadn't seen much of it, but enough for her to maybe identify it from the drawings in the Book of Dragons. Not a single detail is missed in her elaborate sketches.

Having been sitting on the steps for a while, the sun is now lower in the sky, and the twins can be heard a short distance away. Edge shuts her journal and runs to greet them.

"Hi, big brother, hi, big sister!" She grins at her siblings, they smile back at her and each give her a hug.

"Hi little sis! How was your day, huh?" Tuffnut asks his younger sister.

"Oh, it was great! I slept long, took a walk, did some drawing too." Explains Edge animatedly as the three walk back to their house.

"And you were okay by yourself, right?" Ruffnut asks with furrowed brows.

"Yeah it was okay." Edge answers sincerely, she isn't too scared anymore, not since yesterday, that had been a wake up call.

"Good!" The twins replay in unison. Edge shortly asks them if Hiccup is okay, and where he might be. An indecipherable verbal exchange between the twins later, and they end up answering something even more confusing.

"You know, he mightn't be okay, but he also might. BUT! He was pretty cool today-"

"Yeah! He left as soon as he was done, we think we saw him sprinting to the blacksmith stall. You should check there."

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