Ten - In the Shadow of a Goodbye

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Astrid, Hiccup and Toothless land back in the cove hours later, when Edge is slowly nodding off to a slumber, wrapped in a blanket and clutching her journal.

She is jolted awake by the frantic voice of Astrid, and looks towards her best friends in alarm.

"-and that's their queen. It controls them." Astrid jumps off Toothless in a hurry, and runs to leave the cove.

"Let's find your dad." Hiccup's face twists into panic at her final words, and he too jumps off Toothless, in pursuit of Astrid.

"No, no! No, not yet. They'll... kill Toothless, n- Astrid, we have to think this through carefully."

Edge approaches them, confusion written all over her features. Astrid looks incredulous.

"Hiccup," Astrid glances at Edge.

"We just discovered the dragons' nest..." Edge's eyes widen in shock as Astrid returns her gaze to Hiccup, who slowly walks back to Toothless, shoulders slumped.

"The thing we've been after since vikings first sailed here. And you want to keep it a secret? To protect your pet dragon? Are you serious?" Astrid sounds exasperated.

Hiccup turns to look at the two viking girls, looking more determined than ever.

"Yes." He answers, not a waver to be detected in his voice. Astrid looks at Edge once more, receiving a nod from the small girl.

"Okay." Astrid finally agrees as Hiccup turns away from her.

"Then what do we do?" Astrid asks as Edge walks up to Hiccup and grabs his hand. He doesn't look at her, but squeezes her hand.

"Just give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out." He says, gears already turning in his head.

"Okay." Astrid repeats, suddenly punching Hiccup in the arm. Edge snickers at Hiccup's bewildered expression as he looks between Edge and Toothless, letting go of her hand to rub his arm.

"That's for kidnapping me." Astrid says sternly. Edge's eyes widen as Astrid kisses Hiccup on the cheek.

"That's for, everything else." She hurriedly dashes off. Leaving Hiccup bewildered and Edge with the weird envious feeling in her small body once again. Toothless hobbles closer, eyeing Hiccup.

"What're you looking at?" There's a long pause after Hiccup's question directed at the black dragon.

"I'll take that as we're not leaving?" Edge mutters to her best friend, the envy never leaving her.

"I... No, we're not." Hiccup mutters back. Edge lunges forward, embracing him.

"Best friends, Hiccup. Always, no matter what."

As dawn breaks upon the village of Berk, Edge has barely gotten any rest, knowing what the day will bring.

Hiccup's final exam, in which he is faced with a Monstrous Nightmare, and has to kill it.

The entire village is awekening quickly, everyone greatly anticipating the event. Edge feels sick to her stomach as the sun rises higher above the horizon. She slowly secures her chestplate around her torso, dragging her feet along the floor. Her long dagger is secured on her belt, just in case she might need it for whatever reason.

She holds her mother's hand as the whole family scurries to the arena to get good spots. The sickly feeling multiplies in Edge's gut the closer they get.

Once there, they get spots right by the chained edge of the arena, much to her dismay. The twins are betting on whether Hiccup or the dragon will win, and Edge is quick to slip away to find her best friend once Stoick starts to speak to the giant crowd of Hooligans.

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