Chapter 11: A peculiar incident

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  After a posh hotel breakfast of croissants and jam, the Five decided to visit the little village. Timothy galloped alongside them as they cycled, with George keeping him near the hedge to avoid him being skimmed by the illegally fast drivers zooming past. Julian was desperate to visit the dairy and they vowed to make it their first port of call.

  "Ices all round, I think!" Julian called from the front of the pack.

  "It's freezing cold, Julian!" George protested "If I have an ice, I'll simply freeze!"

  Richard was the only one who seemed to think that strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ices were a good idea in the dismal British weather.

  "Brace up, people!" he shouted "The fair-folk were dressed practically in summer clothes yesterday! Plus I'm starving!"

  "Yesterday, they were sitting around a blazing fire eating piping hot food." Anne reminded him. "And you had three croissants slathered with butter and jam less than an hour ago."

  "Well, let's see if that little farm still exists. I could do with a pickled onion or two to tide me over until lunchtime."

  "We'll visit the fair-folk and they'll most likely ply us with food if we time it right. You know how they like their meals!"

  "Fine." Richard said.

  As it was, the spot where the dairy had been was now one of those spontaneous little shops that sell weird bits and bobs and have strange names. They politely browsed but after Anne spotted a slightly vulgar painting of a rabbit, they made a quick exit.

  And the little farm wasn't there either! Pickled onions there were in abundance, but on the high shelves of a supermarket now standing where the picturesque fields and little hut once were.

  Sticking to their plans, they made their way to the field where the caravans lived. The fair-folk were nowhere to be seen, so Julian knocked on the nearest one. The door opened and Skippy stood there, a cigarette dangling and smouldering from her mouth. Bufflo appeared behind her, a whip in his hand with a jewel - encrusted handle.

  "All right, guys?" he said "Wait there a sec. We'll be out in a minute."

  And it was a very long minute! In that minute, a series of tiny bumps and squeals from the caravan could be heard. Quizzical glances were exchanged in the Five.

  Bufflo eventually emerged, offering his hand to Julian in a gentlemanly way.

  "Welcome, sir!" he said "Can I get you a taxi?"

  Julian shook his hand all the same and noticed that Bufflo's outstretched hand was covered in scratches. They looked quite painful.

  "What did you do to your hand?" inquired Julian concernedly.

  "No no, nothing!" Bufflo assured him, retrieving his hand and putting it behind his back "Just my whip battering me by mistake!"

  "Whips don't do that!" George protested.

  "I know a lot more about whips than you, lass. And in my day, if you weren't a girl then you'd have had it on your knuckles for that cheek." almost snarled Bufflo. Ever-protective, Timothy snarled right back. Putting her hand on his collar, George subsided.

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