Chapter 16: Back to London

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It was only on the train back home that the Five could breathe a sigh of relief. (Timothy not included, as he had been dozing the whole way to the station in a taxi belonging to one of Bufflo's colleagues.)

"Well, we did it again, team Kirrin!" said Julian after swallowing his last mouthful of coffee. There was an assortment of agreeing noises from the rest of the group, and they all leaned forward to mull it over.

"The best bit was..." said Anne, starting to giggle, "when Bufflo slid over on the way down the steps, taking Skippy with him!"

Everyone snuffled with laughter, even Timothy. He had been quite disappointed to leave after the questioning, since some of the dogs in that caravan had shared his despairing opinion on the quality of dog biscuits recently. He'd been in the middle of an animated conversation with a pedigree whippet when George had dragged him away.

"Oh yes! And when that loose dog tried to follow him out and got the door slammed almost on his nose!" laughed Richard.

"Well, that isn't quite as funny. That little whimper!" Anne replied. Soon their chattering ceased, then George handed Diet Cokes all round (worrying inwardly about Julian's potential intake of caffeine on this journey, and the consequences of it) and raised her own up high.

Not caring who was looking, she boomed aloud: "To The Famous Five, thirty-mumble years later!"

And to their surprise, the whole carriage replied.

"The Famous Five!"

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