Chapter 12: An angry Bufflo

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  "George, how hard is it for you to understand that we are far too old for adventures these days!" Julian scolded his cousin "Middle-aged relatives so not go wriggling through tunnels and getting locked in tiny rooms. It's the 21st century."

  George looked sullenly at her Facebook. Although she was, as Julian had so bluntly put, middle-aged, she was fit for her age and a picture of robust health. She was tempted to walk out in a huff (one of her faults since childhood) but contented herself  with a brisk shrug and a change of subject.

  "Are we going back to the fair-folk again today?" she asked.

  "I should think so. They did say that they loved seeing us back. And they still remember their tricks, even after retirement!"

  Once they had eaten as much scrambled egg and bacon as they could, they were on their way. Timothy ran with them, and although he was a young dog he was pretty tired with all the running he had done for the last couple of days.

  Letting themselves in through the gate, they were surprised to find no signs of life at first. However, as they wheeled their bikes through the field, they heard faint shouting from Bufflo's caravan, which he shared with Skippy. As they neared it, Timothy started whining and growling alternatively.

  "Timothy! Do stop being silly - nobody's getting hurt!" George said, letting him off his lead.

  "Timothy! Come back!" Anne shouted as the big dog barrelled forward towards the caravans. He ran up the steps of Bufflo's caravan and turned to wait for the people, whining. George hurled her bike to the floor and ran after him before he scratched the door down. But before the others could approach, the door flew open.
  "Oi! You!" Bufflo yowled down at the crouching woman. Timothy stood up and growled menacingly. Julian and Richard both laid their bikes to the floor.

  "How much did you hear of what was just said in this caravan?" shouted Bufflo, shoving his face in George's and giving her no chance to stand up. "You forget whatever you heard or you'll feel my whip on you!"

  "Less of that, old chap." Richard began to say, but with a howl, Timothy threw himself at Bufflo's legs, trying to get inside the caravan. Bufflo cracked his whip, seemingly out of nowhere.

  "Bufflo? Whatever are you thinking of? It's George and Timothy, you don't need to worry." Julian said to the angry man. Bufflo scowled and slammed the door, leaving George with an open mouth and Timothy with a frothing one.

  "Come!" Anne called "I don't feel very much like staying in this field with Bufflo on the loose, as it were."

  George dragged Timothy out, very much perplexed.

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