Chapter 9

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When I woke up the next morning the warehouse was still dark and rain was pounding against the windows. Thunder roared and lightening whipped across the dark blanket of clouds that blocked out the sky. "Wow, Jet!" I exclaimed, having to yell over the storm. "What a storm!" The poor dog was huddled under the blanket, shaking the whole bed with his tremors. He hated storms. "Poor guy." Hawkgirl said, laying a hand on the lump of blankets where his head was, marked by two pointed protrusions from his ears. "Yeah." I replied, swinging my legs out of bed. "He really hates 'em, they're the only thing that makes him hide." Hawkgirl nodded with a grunt of acknowledgement. "So what are you doing today?" She asked.

"I dunno," I replied. "Something."

"We could train some more."

"You and training! But sure, if you want your butt kicked that bad."

She held out her mace in front of her and the head flickered and fizzed. "I hope you like the taste of mace in the morning."

"Pfft," I snorted. "You can kiss my axe." I swung my battle axe and heard a clang as Hawkgirl blocked it with her mace. Her fist connected with my stomach and her other arm went around my neck. She shoved my head down and drove her fist into my stomach again. I saw my axe go flying across the room and slam into the wall. Okay, I thought, Reaction, Recover, Retaliation. I took a deep breath and pretended to go limp. Hawkgirl let me go but kept her foot on my back. I made sure my wings covered my arms so I could work in secret. As soon as I felt the feathers everywhere and knew they were concealed I began edging my hand towards my belt. I opened the compartment that held the knife I always kept.

I drew it and hid the folded pocket knife in my hand. "I surrender." I said. She lifted her foot off my back and offered me her hand. I took it and stood up, only to punch her in the face, then shoved her into the wall. I slipped the knife back into the holder and ran to where my axe lay. I picked it up and held it in front of my face in defense position. Hawkgirl came flying at me full speed and her mace met my axe with so much force my arms slammed into my chest and I fell to the floor, air knocked out of my lungs.

Jet came bounding over from his perch on the couch and stood in front of me, trying to lick Hawkgirl. She laughed and dropped her mace, rubbing his head roughly. I sat up and rubbed my head. "Wow, Jet." I said. "I know now how protective my dog is." Hawkgirl laughed again and pulled Jet close to her. "I'm sure he knew this wasn't real." She said, roughing up his ears. His tongue lolled happily and his eyes rested half closed. "What a good man." She crooned, rubbing his chest. He slid out of her lap and onto the floor, rolling onto his back and kicking his leg as Hawkgirl ran her hands rapidly up and down his chest and stomach, causing him to squirm in excitement.

I laughed. "I bet if I were ever in trouble he'd just sit on the couch."

"I doubt that, he's a devoted dog. You should see him when you're not here, he paces and whines and refuses to rest."

"How can I see him if I'm not there?"

"Don't be a smart ass."

"Too late for that."

"Ha ha." She laughed sarcastically. I stood up and punched her lightly in the arm.

"Lighten up, Hawkgirl." I said. She rubbed her arm and made a face.


"Liar, that couldn't have hurt you."

She adopted a melodramatic voice. "Woe to those who lack belief in others pain!"

I snorted. "Like you haven't done the same." She opened her arms and spread her wings.

"Not all is as it seems." She said with a mysterious smile. I stuck out my tongue and mimicked her stance. She smiled and attached her mace to her belt, leaving Jet laying on his back, awaiting more attention. I ran my hand absentmindedly up and down his chest, weaving random patterns in the thick black hair. "Hawkgirl?" I asked.


"Do you think Jet would really protect me?"

"Without a doubt."

A few hours later the storm still hadn't let up. Hawkgirl and I had played chess, checkers, poker, slap jack, (It didn't end well for the table) and BS but we were still bored. Hawkgirl sat on the window sill a few yards above me as I lay on my bed and played with Jet's ears. Hawkgirl sat with one knee bent and the other straight and hanging off the window sill. One arm held her mace and hung with her leg while the other one rested on her bent knee. She looked at the rain running off the windows and at the misty city behind, looking at something I was unaware of.

At that moment I heard the warehouse door open and both Hawkgirl and I shot up into the rafters, leaving just a few floating feathers behind. As we looked down I saw a shadow step into the light and look around, then sigh and drop their bag. Hawkgirl grunted quietly and pointed, there at the girl's feet was a white shepherd with three legs. As we watched the girl bent down and hugged the shepherd, then put a hand on her collar and advanced into the warehouse. She saw my axe hanging on its hook on the wall and gave it a wary look before continuing her walk.

Jet spotted them from his position on my bed and uttered a low growl, he didn't like his home intruded upon. He stood up on the bed, still growling and jumped down, adopting a stiff legged walk. He advanced upon the girl and shepherd, lips pulled back and ears pinned all the while. His tail was puffed up and held high, a sign of confidence, and his hackles were raised. The white shepherd growled back and stood in front of her girl, putting her body between Jet and the stranger. Hawkgirl searched my hands with her eyes and when she saw I didn't have my axe or mask she gave a grunt of disapproval. I grunted back and pointed at the girl, shepherd, and Jet. I couldn't bare to watch. Hawkgirl grunted back and I grunted again, urgently now as Jet closed the space before my horrified eyes. Hawkgirl grunted again and shook her head. We had developed quite a language of grunts as we spent most of our time with our mouths full.

I grunted and pointed down and Jet and the shepherd who were now standing nose to nose and neither looked happy about it. Hawkgirl sighed and finally nodded, shifting slightly on the metal beam to give me space to spread my wings. I did just that and jumped off the beam, heading full speed for the black shepherd. He jumped at the white but instead of a mouthful of flesh and fur found his jaws closing around air. I had him in my arms and he barked loudly, a deep and vicious sound like none I had ever head from the lug. "Jet, shush!" I hissed quietly. I soared back up into the shadows and landed silently on a thick metal beam, clutching Jet all the while. I spotted Hawkgirl on the other side of the building and nodded, unsure whether or not she could see me in the shadows. The girl stumbled back and looked to where I had vanished with Jet, glancing at the swirling grey feathers. Her shepherd growled into the darkness and she stroked her back, effectively calming the white dog. Still on alert the white shepherd stuck close to her human as the girl wandered deeper into the warehouse.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to type up but I've been busy these last few days. You know, the barn is calling and I must go. I hope you enjoy this and I hope to have the next chapter up tomorrow! The girl and white shepherd are Misty and Angel from Maplefang's book, "Running to Heaven with an Angel" Be sure to check it out!

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