The wedding

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Iris almost couldn't catch her breath she was so in shock she came to grips enough to say " Barry I will do all that and so much more! I only have one question for you, will you be my hero flash?!" Barry responded "of course!" And she said "Then YES!" Barry stood up and kissed her on the cheek! "I and so glad we are starting a new chapter in our life!" Said Iris.

As life went on they grew closer and wedding plans started coming up after six months of being engaged they finally started their planning. The whole time of the six month preparation Barry just kept saying "I can't believe I am marrying my crush since I was eleven." Iris always snickered.

The day of the wedding finally arrived and all of the star labs crew was there and a few friends like the arrow team and supergirl team. Barry and Iris said they just wanted to invite those groups of hero's because then they didn't have to hide their identity in front of anyone, they could just speak freely about what they are going through as a vigilante and a superhero.  Like when Oliver came up to talk with Barry he said " I congratulate you and Iris I am so happy you two have found each other, I just need you to promise me one thing" said Oliver, "Sure what is it?" Said Barry. "You have to promise me that under any circumstances you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe from danger even if that means putting others at risks." "Yes I can do that as the flash and as her husband." Said Barry "then you have my blessing." Oliver said. It was finally time for the wedding to start and it was very nerve racking for the both of them. But as soon as Iris started walking down the isle Barry thought to himself "God made her so beautiful and I just can imagine living a life without her there to help me and to teach me." As she stepped up onto the alter and it came to the vows Iris went first and said "Barry we have been together for so long, we have seen each others good and bad side I am willing to except you for you, you mean the world to me Barry Allen and I can't wait to start a new adventure with my best friend forever." After she has the entire crowd in tears it was Barry's turn. " Iris words can not express my love and compassion towards you, you are strong, beautiful and
A Godly women, you have made me a better person then I was and it has been a pressure to know you for so long and I am so happy I will be able to continue getting to know you forever, from on earth into eternity with you and our savior. I love you." Iris had a few tears running down her face as they both said I do and they kissed for the first time, Barry described it as the most magical moment in his entire life, he continued to say he had been waiting to do that for a long time!

The wedding came and went and they went on with their lives and they already had a place so it was working out. But when...

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