The first year with Zander

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Life with a baby was amazing for the first year, he was a super good sleeper and eater and never really gave the couple trouble. Barry said he didn't mind spending time with his little man until one day when he was rocking Zander to sleep Barry noticed someone on their balcony, Barry was alarmed and Iris was gone and before he could even ask the man to leave he broke the glass and came in.  So Barry started fighting this intruder with his baby in his hands.  While fighting he noticed the man was a meta and came to the conclusion he was going to need to zoom over to star labs with a baby in one hand and his hand grasped to the criminals collar. When he ran in he handed his son to H.R and put the meta in a cell. That is when Barry noticed a problem, if he was going to keep his son safe at least for the first few years he was going to have put the house on higher lock down so that no one could break through the glass and no one could break through the doors.

When he told Iris his plan she agreed and knew this is something they waited to long to do. Once the house was set up with all new bolt proof and most meta proof glass. They continued living their wonderful lives, working and being parents by day, and saving the city by night.

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