What are they doing?

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As another year went by the Allen family lived life to the fullest and started bringing Zander to star labs to run on the track with his dad. Barry saw this as a father son bonding activity and even his uncle Wally would run too. Iris was happy the way God made her son and she wasn't going to let Satan make his gift look bad.  
Life was definitely different with a speedster son like theirs. 

But by Zander's 4th birthday the couple decided to do something they didn't like they would ever do... Move. So when his birthday arrived Barry and Iris started packing up. With confusion Zander asked "Mommy, Daddy what are you doing?" They said "baby we are moving to a new house!" Zander started crying and said "why mommy, why are you taking my house away?" Barry responded with "we are moving to a new house and it will be better then this one." He ran off to his bedroom in tears. Iris said "do you want me to talk to him?" Barry said with no hesitation "yes."
So Iris walked into his bedroom full of boxes and bins and found her son under his bed covers crying. Iris gently sat down on his bed and said "sweet heart... mommy and daddy want to move so that we can show you the world.  And we don't want you to be sad about moving somewhere new."*hears sobbing under the covers* "Baby I love you very much, but will you please tell me why your crying?" Said Iris "I just don't want to leave uncle Wally!"*the crying starts again*. "Oh honey I will miss him too! But we will come back very often to visit, don't worry!" As he stands up to sit down in his mother lap and lies his head on her shoulder "I love you." Said Iris as her son started to fall sleep.

Barris (Barry and Iris). Book 1 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin