Their new chapter

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The moving day finally arrived and they haven't told Caitlyn,Cisco, Wally or Joe where they are going, but they gathered them all at there home and said "well we are leaving for the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 today, and we are very excited! And you never know we may have an addition to the family soon. But this is not good bye for long, we will be coming back to the U.S. Every six months if we can." Said Iris, Barry then finished with "I know we are all going to miss you guys and I am so glad that Wally can protect central city while I protect London. I do want to say that please use our apartment for whatever parties or gatherings you guys have. We are keeping it here for us to stay in when we come back to visit. I love you all and I am so glad our family can flip to a new chapter without anything holding us back."

While the plane flight is long they arrive in London and get settled into their four bedroom modern house downtown London. 

Life in London was amazing, they went sight seeing with Zander every day and spent most their time at the park by their house. Until three months later when it all started slowing down when they became pregnant with their second. Again they told the nurses not to tell them what they would be having, but when the nurses noticed two bodies in her belly. They couldn't hold back telling them they were having twins! Astatic with the news Barry and Iris started preparing. So when the day came, it was summer in London and Iris felt the same felling she did before. So they rushed to the hospital and eleven hours later Iris gave birth and Barry was there to welcome their two new sons to the world.  With baby names for both babies picked out they came to the conclusion that a prefect British name for their boys would be Callum Asher and Trevor Bainbridge.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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Barris (Barry and Iris). Book 1 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang