Whats wrong with our son?!

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Zander was two now and Barry and Iris literally had their work cut out with this little boy. He was fast like his dad and had beautiful green eyes. Barry described this year "the nightmare". Iris and Barry were I guess not prepared for this crazy of a boy, because of how easy he was when he was born. But they soon got used to their son running constantly and refusing to sleep. But it was when Zander turned 3 is when Barry noticed something off about their son. Barry was watching him at the pool one day and as Barry held his son in the water Zander asked if they could play tag at the park next to the pool. Barry without hesitation said of course! When they walked over, there was no one at the park because it was so hot and everyone was in the pool. So while Iris was lounging on a reclining chair Barry took Zander to the park. When Zander said he would be it first Barry figured he would take it easy on his son considering ever time he ran fast Zander wouldn't have been able to be seen his dad because Barry was running so fast. But when his son started chasing him Barry saw a streak and then his son was next to him and said in an innocent voice "your it." Barry started going crazy and actually fainted. Zander raced over to his mom and said "Mommy, Daddy is sleeping and I really wanna play tag!" Iris looked over to find her husband lying on the ground unconscious. Iris in panic mode packed up and drove him to star labs. When they arrived they put Barry on the bed and examined him, they then began to pump his chest until he regained consciousness. Iris was relived and they started asking him how it happened. Barry said "Well I was playing tag on at the park with Zander and then he zoomed over to me and I saw a red streak like mine and he was there at my feet and said that I was it." With shock in everyone's eyes and a suggestion of an examination of Zander. Iris and Barry accepted and watched their son as he was scanned.

The answer wasn't what either of them were expecting. Their son in fact had Barry's same speed ability and that it was irreversible. Iris was not happy to hear that Zander wasn't normal and that he was special like Barry. Barry felt the same way and was very sad to find out that Zander wasn't going to be able to live a normal life.

With this, the family walked out and drove home in agony. When they arrived home they put Zander down for a nap and they both sat on the couch and talked about what they were going to do about school, and meeting other kids and how they were going to train him if they decided too. The couple was in shock and it really put a damper on Barry and Iris's relationship. Because although they were on the same page about not wanting him to have powers, Iris in some way found that is was Barry's fault that their son wasn't normal so she said that to Barry and his response to her was priceless "Iris, neither of us knew our son was going to be special like this. I didn't mean for this to happen. But this is what God planned for our son. I am going to except Zander for who God made him to be. And I am no longer going to treat this like a curse but I am going to embrace it instead." Iris did find glory in Barry's comment and felt relived for once.

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