Write a letter to the creepypastas

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This letter will allow you to contact the creepypasta of your choice by the use of a letter, this is perfect for anyone who is a beginner. By this you can ask questions, favors or even make a contact with them. You can contact multiple Creepypastas by this letter spell, along with them sending you letters as a response to yours, almost like having them as a pen pal. You will notice notes popping out of nowhere this is them responding to you letter(s). Keep in mind they will respond whenever they want to respond. So be patient, and they might be a time where they might talk to you face to face, but that would be rare.

What you'll need:
Paper of your choice
Incense of your choice
Pen and Ink (Calligraphy Pen and Ink)
Step 1:
Gather all of your materials and start writing the letter. To start the
letter you must write down:
"Dear (creepypasta (s) of your choice),
I would like to talk to you about (what you want to talk about).
Step 2:
To end the letter, write:
"This is all I want to talk about,
Thank you for taking your time!
By the powers of elements, this will make the line.
To the Creepypasta I've chosen,
This is what I want to know!"
Step 3:
Rub or spray the incense on the letter, then place it under your pillow on
your bed.
Step 4:
Then lay down in your bed and sleep.

Disclaimer:This spell is not mine!

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