acceptance and a new friend

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After alot of crying, hugging and acceptance, the girls calmed down enough to release Artemis from the love hug. Artemis, seeing the way the girls were with each other smiled, happiness flooding her whole being for being the one bringing them together rather than how they were earlier when they were ripping each other apart just to catch a glimpse of the night class.

"It makes me so happy to see you guys come together like this instead of fighting when that only makes you look unappealing. Your all such beautiful girls, with beautiful hearts and I wish you to just be your selves. Help each other rather so we can achieve our goals. That is the only way for you to be great."

"Now I must be going-", I tried to explain but I was cut off by that girl who had been trying to hold my angels back.

"Excuse me, Argent-kun?", she asked nervously, probably because of the girls.

"Please no need for formalities, call me Artemis. And I apologize for their behavior earlier, they were a bit excited."

"Well then...Artemis. My names Yuki Cross. Thank you for the apology but I'm alright. You must be one of the new student headmaster Cross as talking about.'

"I guess so, actually I came here with my best friends, Eris and Miki."

We had decided against using our real names because it would be clear we were hear. I didn't because...I'm a really bad liar. I start fidgeting when I'm nervous. Hopefully Zues doesn't find out or we're goners.I shook my head of these thoughts,

'Dwelling on things will not change anything it just keeps you from moving on.'

"Let me go get them before-"

" Maybe you would have a man if not for your nasty attitude.", Areti practically yelled.
Well maybe if you actually took a chance and spoke to a guy instead of freezing up, you would have at least tried!",

Now Kiki definitely screamed. I decided to see Yuki's reaction to this. She stared in shock, not saying a word. But she things started to get physical I stepped in and stopped the fight. I moved myself to stand between them, gesturing for them to calm down with my hands.

"Eris! Miki! You shouldn't fight with each other! We came to this school to learn from our past and look ahead to the future." I held my hands close to my chest as I said this, hoping...

They glomped me.

I struggled.

They squeezed me tight.

I struggled to free myself because they took one of the most essential things I need just to live, the thing every living creature on this planet needs to live on it without exploding five seconds later. Air.

" Your just too cute!❤ Artemis-sama",

Areti said this squeezing me- if it was even possible- even tighter!

Someone finally came to my rescue!

It was my new friend, Yuki Cross!

She managed to release me from Areti's 'teddy bear hug'- as we had dubbed it- and once she was calm enough, we relaxed.

"Sorry for all the trouble we've caused you, I hope this does not affect our attendance of Cross academy." I said with an apologetic smile, bowing. She shook her head and hands,

"It's okay, Artemis!
This won't affect your attendance,
And there's no need to bow to me.
I'm not important enough for that."

I shook my head at this,

ARTEMIS ( Kaname Kuran) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now