True Nature

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"Now that we're alone I can stop pretending." Her eyes glowed silver.
Preview End

"W-what the hell are you?!", the vampire yelled, stepping back from her. She smirked at lhis response. The blood she lost rose and went back into her wound, knitting the skin back together. In seconds, the injury was gone as well as all evidence of the vampire's attack

"Your worst nightmare,dear. You attacked what was mine," her silver eyes swirled, "you dared to touch me with your filthy hands. I'll enjoy watching the life leave your eyes when I take your essence." She licked her lips. For the first time in the vampire's life he felt fear. He didn't know the forces he was going against but he knew he wouldn't survive if he stayed. He ran. Behind him he could hear her laughter, echoing in his head as he ran for his life.

"I love it when they run." She giggles before taking off after him.

With Yuuki...

"I'll kill you, damn vampire." Zero said, glaring at Kaname with hatred while pointing bloody rise at Kaname's head. Kaname kept his face expressionless even though he was annoyed by him. Everyday he threatened to kill him, at first it was amusing but after a while it became an annoyance. Like a mosquito that kept coming for him. Everyday. He would have killed him a long time ago if it were not for Yuuki. And Artemis cared for the bastard—wait Artemis? Why would he care about her?

"Stop it the both of you! Artemis needs help!", Yuuki came in between the two of them. The two stopped their threats and turned their attention to her. Zero's anger was replaced by concern.

"What happened? Is she okay?", Zero asked. Over the last few months the two had grown closer and he thought of her as a younger sister. It was hard to gain Zero's trust, but she had managed to do it. He was fiercely protective of her so whoever hurt her wouldn't live to see the light of day.

"A vampire! He attacked her I tried to protect her but she pushed me out of the way and got hurt instead. She told me to run and get help. She was bleeding really badly." Yuuki was crying now. Kaname came to her side, resting a comfortable hand on her shoulder.

"That damn vampire! I'll kill them! Where are they?", Zero yelled.

"In town near a bakery. You can't go alone Zero. I'm coming too." Yuuki grabbed his sleeve before he could go. He turned to face her.

"No you won't it's dangerous—

"I don't care! Artemis is my friend too. We're wasting time so let's go." Yuuki's eyes were determined. Zero knew there was no changing her mind when she was like this. He sighed.

"Come on then. Hey vampire—" Zero called out to Kaname but he was gone.

"Dammit he already left. Cowardly bastard. Let's go!", Zero grabbed Yuuki's hand and they were off.

With Artemis...

"You can run, dearie but you can't hide from me. I see everything."

Her childlike voice struck him with fear and he pushed more energy into his legs. He was running at vampire speed. He was nothing but a blur to the human eye so how the hell was she still close behind him?! Beads of sweat trickled down his brow, he could feel himself tiring. He hadn't had any blood in a few days. Hunters were always around so it was a struggle to find food. He had lost his opportunity with Yuuki and he was running on fumes now. He turned into an alleyway and met a dead end. He cursed his luck. He quickly turned around to to find a new route.

"Found you." She sang. His blood ran cold. He trembled in place as she slowly walked to him.

"Kneel." Her voice turned dark. He fell to the ground. She leaned down so they made eye contact.

"That's a good boy. So you can be taught." She cupped his face with her small hands. Tears ran down his cheeks, he was whimpering.

"Shh.Shh. Just stay still. Everything will be over soon." She whispered. She leaned closer so there lips were only an inch apart. She drew in a breath. Silver wisps came out from his mouth and were drawn into hers. His face grew paler, losing all color as she continued. He could do nothing as energy left his body and filled hers. She smiled, she missed this. Seeing the life leave their warm bodies and fill hers with energy. Everything else fell away. Nothing mattered more than sating her hunger. It left her drunk with power. For months she had restrained herself. Starved herself to keep up the act. But now because an idiotic vampire, she could let loose and enjoy it.


She stopped. She turned around, dropping the now dead vampire.

She gasped.


He looked at her, his expression revealed nothing.

"I was right about you. This weak act of yours never fooled me. So this is your true self."
"Kaname...I'm sorry you had to see me like this. I lose control of myself sometimes." She blushed, embarrassed at her actions. Kaname smiled and took her hand.

"You looked beautiful." He said caressing her hand.

"I don't anymore?", she teased.

"I- I didn't mean that." He blushed lightly. She'd never see him so flustered. 'Cute', she thought.

"Oh? What did you mean? Do you not find me attractive?", she pouted.

"Stop teasing me...don't think I forgot about what I just saw." Artemis roiled her eyes.

"And I thought we were getting somewhere with this."

"With what? Your explanation of whatever that was?", Kaname raised an eyebrow.

"No, dearie. With you," She was engulfed in a white light, "and me", her voice grew mature, more like a woman. A few seconds later, a beautiful silver haired woman stood before him in Artemis's place. She looked like an older version of Artemis. Her lavender eyes were framed by long silver lashes. Her skin was soft and pale. Her clothes had grown to accommodate her taller, curvier body. Kaname was awestruck. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. And that was saying something considering vampires were all naturally beautiful. He'd grown numb to their looks. But Artemis...she left him breathless.

"You like what you see?", she asked, a smirk appearing on her pink lips. His eyes lowered to her lips.

"Why are you showing me? You've kept this a secret for so long. It can't be just because I caught you. You could have lied." She smiled sadly.

"I could have...but I'm tired of lying. I know I'm being selfish...but I wanted one person to know me. The real me. I'm sure you can relate, Kaname." They made eye contact. At that moment they knew. They were the same, they both wanted to stop the act, take off their masks and be themselves. But being themselves was too dangerous so they had to hide themselves.

But now...they could be themselves with another.

"Yes...I can." He said before leaning in and kissing her.

ARTEMIS ( Kaname Kuran) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now