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"Come out." Artemis ordered. She was met with silence. An arrow flew at her once again but she caught it once again. She turned it around, aiming, before throwing the arrow with little effort, back to where it came from. There was a thud as the archer fell from his position in the trees. The smell of blood permeated through the air. She had wounded the archer. Artemis took her time to get there, knowing that the archer would not be going anywhere.

"Now what kind of idiot would attack me with arrows? I'm curious." She said as she drew closer to the wounded archer. She gasped.

"...a child?", she managed out. Sure enough a child a girl, aged 12 to 13 was lying with an arrow sticking out of her abdomen. Her crystal blue eyes burned with hatred when she saw Artemis. 'So much hatred in one so young. I can tell she has suffered a lot in her life. Too much for a child to bear alone.' Artemis knelt next to her, easily dodging the punch the young girl aimed at her face.

"So much violence from a little thing like you. Didn't your mother teach you any manners?", she said playfully. Pain flitted across the young girl's eyes before being replaced by that biting hatred.

"Sore subject, huh? Well my mother is dead too so we have that in common." Artemis shrugged. She acted nonchalantly but she felt a painful tug at her heart and she resisted the urge to curl into a ball and cry. It had already been 700 years since her mother had died she shouldn't feel so much pain but the it was still fresh and she felt it the pain would never dull.

"A monster like you had a mother? I guess my theory of you coming from the bowels of hell was off. Damn, I bet a lot of money on this." The young archer pouted. Artemis cocked her head.

" looked ready to kill me before but now you seem comfortable in my presence."

The girl shrugged.

"Well I'm going to die anyway so why fight it? I can finally join my family. But now that I think about it, after everything I've done I won't be seeing those pearly gates. I hope hell has cake." She was practically salivating at the thought— no she was. Artemis could see the drool. Was this how she was with cake? No wonder her friends were so freaked out by her. But who could really blame her? Cake was too good to let just sit there in it's magnificence. It needed to be loved and appreciated for what it was.

"Cake?, Artemis's eyes became hearts, "I love cake. I have some back at my dorm. Would some?", she suggested. The younger girl frowned at her.

"Huh? I thought you were going to kill me?", Artemis laughed.

"Kill you? What do you take me for, a hunter? Plus your too cute to kill." Artemis winked, catching the younger girl by surprise. She held out her hand.

"Now let me help you and then we can have some cake." She smiled gently down at the girl. The younger girl beamed. She accepted her hand.

"Can you please heal me? I'm bleeding to death here."

"Oh yes! Of course! I almost killed you."

Artemis chuckled. A tick mark appeared on the young archer's head. Artemis moved her head to the side, avoiding the tree branch that was thrown at her.

"How Cute. Your still trying to kill me. Your so precious." Artemis cooed aloud. This time a tree was thrown at her but she knocked it to the side so it made contact with another tree and the both of them collapsed to the forest floor.

"Now what's the name of my would be assassin?", Artemis started humming as she began healing the younger girl of her wounds.

"Luna." She bit out. Artemis fell into a fit of laughter. Another tic mark appeared on Luna's forehead.

"You got a problem with my name?", She glared. Artemis calmed herself, clenching her fists to keep herself from laughing.

"Luna...pfft! Hahahaha!", she lost the fight and fell to the forest ground, holding her stomach as she laughed her heart out.

"SHUT UP!", she yelled but it was drowned out by Artemis's laughter.

ARTEMIS ( Kaname Kuran) {complete}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora