Ben's changes

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Ben's pov:
After that awkward meeting with the new villian kids I walked into my room and sat on my bed when I felt something in my pocket. I dig into it and put something out I looked at it and see it is a small test tube with a blue liquid in it I

Looked at it and see it labeled "blue mist water to change your breath forever" I then think "why do I have blue mist in my pocket unless I put it in there thinking it was a pen or something

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Looked at it and see it labeled "blue mist water to change your breath forever" I then think "why do I have blue mist in my pocket unless I put it in there thinking it was a pen or something." I then remembered I have class in an hour and I don't think I want my girlfriend to think my breath smells awful. So I walk into my bathroom and poor the blue mist in a cup and drink it after I set the cup down and look into the mirror smiling at myself until I start to have this weird feeling like I want to be bad and cause havoc on people I love. I think about it more and more until I hear a knock on the door a voice asked "Ben it's Jane I wanted to know if you wanted me to give the new kids a tour of the school?" I looked at the door and feel myself smirk then yell "go get the stage ready I have an announcement to make and go get the new kids and Bing them here got it now go" I hear a frightened yelp and the sound of running shoes. I then let out an evil laugh

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Michelle hope's laugh ignore the evil part

I hear a knock on my door and a voice said "Ben it's us" I let zevon and lily in then said "I have some news and I want you two to help me with it" they looked at each other then nodded lily asked "so what's the news?" I let out a chuckle and said "just a little message I want everyone to know" zevon asked "wow you've changed in about what half an hour why were you yelling at that plain Jane I didn't think you were like that" I smirked and said "because I'm evil" we all looked at one another then laughed. Little did I know that these two kids were up to something more then just making me evil!

Hey guys hope you liked it comment on what you think Ben will say!!! And thanks to everyone who has liked and is reading my story bye!!!!!!!!!

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