Transfer student

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Zero's P.O.V.

"This is outrageous, how could you have made such an idiotic mistake! Change this roster at once, she'll die if she is put in that class!" bellowing from the bottom of my lungs. The headmaster's goofy attitude had changed to a more serious and calculating look. One that many vampires feared. That bastard Kaname was stationed behind me, probably thinking of a solution to the dilemma that is unravelling. Yuki was also there, only remaining as a bystander. "We have no other choice, the new year is beginning in only a week. (y/f/n)'s parents have already paid for everything and they have signed the final forms. The next time we have a possibility of changing this is in the next year. However, I have a plan." The headmaster explains,  with intertwined fingers, adjusting his glasses every so often. "And what do you plan to do Headmaster?" Yuki stepped in, tilting her head in confusion. "Yuki, it's father," the headmaster drops his head in sorrow. Breathing in, the he adjusts his glasses yet again, "As unusual as it, I would like to see how both this student and the night class react." The room turned silent. "I believe you want to test if your ideology can take the next step. The headmaster believes that this little experiment would show us if the night class is adapting and are more willing to work with humans." Kaname stepped in. There was nothing we could do, all we can do is wait. 

(Y/N) P.O.V.

It's finally time, a new school, Cross Academy. There has always been an excitement going to a new school, especially this one. Many of your friends were raving about this school and the night class you were lucky to now be a part of. The clutter of your suitcase followed behind your footsteps. Climbing stair after stair until finally reaching the top. A large metal gate stood before you, slightly ajar. Slowly, entering the ground, you refer to map given in the little 'handbook'. Wondering around, through the small forest and up the many building. Until coming across two large wooden doors with a sign above stating 'Headmasters Office". 'Knock, knock, knock.' "Come in!" A cheerful voice, inviting me into his little area. 

Opening the door, two men awaited on the other side. One man, presumably the chairman sitting at the desk. Ashy brown hair and brown eyes behind square framed glasses. The other man stood above the chairman. Chocolate eyes that glimmered in simple candle light. His hair, swayed through simple head turn. He was gorgeous. "Uhhh, hi. Um, my name is (y/f/n). I'm a new student here." you  mutter, fiddling with your finger in during the process. "Ahh, nice to finally meet you ( y/n),  welcome to Cross Academy. As you may know, you'll be apart of the night class and this person here is Kaname Kuran, your dorm president." the headmaster explains. "I'll have someone show you around the school tomorrow. We'll also give you your textbooks and uniform before classes start next week. Kaname will be showing you to the dorm for now." 

Kaname left and I soon followed after. "(y/n)." the headmaster called, grabbing my attention. "Enjoy your time here. If you have any issues, you're more than welcome to come tell me." And with that, you left. Following behind Kaname down the hall. The sun was finally beginning to set, casting orange shadows across the grounds. The walk remained awkwardly silent with background noise and footsteps provided the only sounds. "So uhhh, did you enjoy summer break? " You ask, breaking the silence. "Nothing important, I just had to do with a lot of work." Kaname answers, remaining monotone. Finally reaching a huge white building, presumably the night class's dorm. "This is the moon dorm for our class. It is a co-ed dorm, most students have a room partner, but due to your position you will probably have a room to yourself." Kaname continued to explain. Opening the large dark wood doors, we were greeted by a group of people, lounging around. 

All attention was drawn towards us, many began to whisper among themselves. "Ahh, you must be our new classmate, welcome!" A tall blonde walks over, dark emerald eyes sparkling giving an inviting look. "Yeah, It's (y/f/n), nice to meet you all." You introduce yourself. "Takuma Ichijo, I'm the vice-president of this dorm." His voice was also nice and inviting. An upbeat attitude that would probably cheer anyone up. Then I realised it, everyone is so attractive. What a way to feel insecure. "You'll meet everyone else in time. For now, I will get your room sorted  for now." Kaname said. "(y/n), do you have any of the tablets yet?" Another guy questions, messy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. "She won't be needing them. She is the transfer student I had talked to you about. Make sure you treat her properly." Kaname stepped in. 

Walking up the stairs, the walls are covered in maroon wallpaper with a marble floor. Many candles lit the dim hallway. Walking down the hallway with Kaname, I bring out the key that came with the handbook before. "This will be your room. I'd recommend adapting to a new sleeping schedule, similar to ours. We'll probably be in the lounge when your done. Take your time unpacking." With that, Kaname left. Entering the room, a double bed remained in the centre of the room. A large vanity resided next to a walk in wardrobe. Placing the heavy suitcase on the bed, I lay all the contents and prepare to unpack. 

Ichijo's P.O.V.

"So that is the human thats joining our class? How did they even mix her with the night class?" Hanabusa ponders, whirling the red liquid in the wine glass. "Unbelievably, it was just a mistake. They can't even change her position now, I feel kinda bad for her." I explain. "Well lucky her, she'll be the very first human who will get to know me in person. Hopefully her blood is as good as she smells." Cocking his signature smirk, Aido finishes his glass and laid it on the table. Senri smirked, probably acknowledging his last comment. It was true that she did smell nice, Kaname probably knew that too and will protect her. Its only a matter of time before she finds out.

(Y/N) P.O.V. 

Finally finishing the unpacking, I shove the suitcase to the back of my wardrobe. A final sigh before shutting the door one more time. Rubbing my temples, I begin to wind down. It was only 7 o'clock and I have to change my sleep cycle. Wondering down the hall, I retrace my steps back to the lounge. They were mumbling amongst themselves, some were giggling while others seemed to be having a serious conversation. While looking at the group, two of the students seemed recognisable. 'Two models, Senri Shiki and Rima Toya. Since when were they meant to be at this school?!' After that little shock, I headed for the others. 

A/N note

A new story for all Vampire Knight fans. I hope all of you enjoy this story as much as my other ones. Thats it, Just_bored202... a new diabolik lovers chapter is on the way.

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