Apex Predators

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Who would've thought that all these vampires were so smart? After showing up to class, it only took a few minutes to realise that these guys were learning at a university level in high school! At least the night class teachers fit that cliche of what vampires look like. Most of them had grey hair, deep voices and some evil-looking facial hair. Everything was so hard to pay attention to and keep track of, maybe that's why it was so easy to daydream and lose track of time. My mind just wandered back to a few hours earlier. My first ever experience of 'the switchover.'

The time when the night class would walk to class. It was almost an out-of-body experience. To think that we would be treated like celebrities with the disciplinary committee acting as bodyguards. Whilst Yuki struggled to keep the girls in check on her side, Zero just had that aura of intimidation. No girl dared to pass that invisible line to get closer to the night class. And during that time, he just looked at us all with such hatred. Meanwhile, the Night Class did their own thing. Hanabusa would tease and play along with the girl's excitement with Akatsuki just cringing and attempting to separate himself from the hype, Ruka also following suit. Rima and Senri would just stick to each other with Takuma following not too far behind with Kaname. As for me? There was a combination of jealous and curious gazes that stared me down from the Day Class. I had no choice except to keep my head down and walk with the rest of the class.

Snapping myself back to reality, I look out to the window that towered above me. Projecting an expansive area of the school, drowning in darkness and only lightening up a little when the moon would peek out from its cloudy sky. A new period was about to begin with the teacher only leaving after wiping off the chalkboard. Many of the students began to stretch and take out their books in preparation for the next class. I look down a few rows in the classroom to see Ruka strolling over to Hanabusa and peering at some book he'd been sketching in. "Looks to me like someone is in love!" She teases. A small quarrel continues between those two as Shiki began to speak to himself; "But that other prefect smells pretty good." While others replied with sighs and eye rolls, I just slowly slid down my seat a tiny bit. Trying to ignore the obvious predatory nature my classmates had over me. "Ow that hurts, Ruka do you wanna die." Hanabusa retaliated against Ruka, who had pushed the corner of his book into the back of his hand. "It's quite cloudy tonight isn't it Kaname?" Takuma commented. Kaname only smirked in response, his hazelnut eyes immediately changed into that neon red that has been burned into my memory. The other students all followed in his track while all I could do was sit and wait for the next teacher to arrive. Luckily, that wasn't too much longer with the classroom doorknob screeching and the door creaking open.

"We will be taking a quiz next class and I don't expect to see any stragglers. If that is understood, you are all dismissed." The teacher announced as everyone began to pack up their notes from tonight's lesson. I don't think my bed has ever been so alluring, and it's only the first day of classes. Surviving a whole semester is gonna be rough. I sigh and sling my books up, hugging them towards my chest as I leave the row of seats and head straight for the door out front. Before I could make a b-line from the hallway to the dorms, I hit my head on something hard. Looking up, I see the prefect that Hanabusa was winning about before, Zero Kiryu. The preceding eye contact was extremely intimidating and humiliating. Looking me up and down, Zero lightens his gaze slightly, "so you're the human that transferred. Must be pretty unlucky to end up in a situation like that," he remarks. "Well nice to see you too, Zero. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't see myself as that unlucky." (y/n) replies, attempting to pull off the same death glare he gave you moments ago. Obviously it wasn't working, judging by the one eyebrow he had raised. "It hasn't even been a month and you're already sympathising with those monsters." He snarled, turning away with obvious disgust.

"I can guarantee that you can sympathise with almost anyone if you put time and effort into it, Kiryu." Kaname rebutted, standing behind me with a look of disdain in his eye. "It may also be time to re-evaluate those opinions of yours with the current situation of your health," he continued. I can only look with confusion and discomfort as the tension between the two just got a lot stronger. "(y/n), you should catch up to the rest of the class. I don't want you walking alone at this time of night around here, especially after what happened in town yesterday." I nod in affirmation and speed walk my way towards the rest of the group.

Takuma's P.O.V.

Kaname and I both walked beside one another, returning from the headmaster's office after a lengthy conversation about future plans for (y/n). She was so innocent, like a small deer adjusting to the dangers within the woods. There was some part of me that wanted to hug her when she looked confused or scared, but another part that wished to just get a taste. To see her body squirm under his with fangs lodged deep into her neck. But no, that couldn't happen. Looking ahead, Yuki was leaning against a pillar, looking unsure of herself, or lost deep in thought. "Yuki! Thanks for going on patrol again!" I articulate, giving a warm smile. She simply blushes and runs off, "she's funny isn't she!" I comment to Kaname, "I would say we don't have anyone like her in our class but we do have (y/n)."

"You're right if only she could have stayed in the sun where she belongs," Kaname replies. It was sad to see her so intimidated before, I could only imagine how much happier she would be if she was in the day class. I couldn't what things would be like if Kaname hadn't told us to not lay a hand on her. "Takuma, the reason the headmaster and I established this school was for the purpose of coexistence. While our true nature is cruel and brutal, things will change. (Y/n) is proof of that." Kaname continues, he obviously could sense the doubt I felt towards these new plans. "We only follow these rules because it's your orders. But, they're just barely followed." I respond.

"I'm aware of that, but there will be change soon." He answers walking off in the same direction Yuki had moments beforehand. The relationship between humans and vampires, will it really change due to this one human girl?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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