Close your eyes

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Aido's P.O.V.

(Y/n)'s unconscious body laid infant of me. The taste of her sweet blood was on my tongue, her clothes and neck stained red. Both Takuma and I stood in shock, what have I done? It wasn't long before Senri, Akatsuki and Lord Kaname had rushed over. All of them just looked at me in disappointment and anger. "Takuma, Akatsuki, Senri, take (y/n) to the infirmary and make sure that no other night class member goes near her. Aido, you will stay behind with me." Lord Kaname ordered and my stomach dropped, not another punishment. The others left with (y/n)'s body.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
My neck, it's still in pain but that isn't what hurts the most. The truth is that I'm stuck with a class of vampires for the rest of the year. Something about that was exciting, I mean it's the stuff you see in movies. Then again, there was the possibility that you could get caught up in vampire drama like if there is an organisation for vampires. Then there maybe hunters, what if they thought I was a vampire and kill me? I don't wanna die! My breathing picks up in speed and you begin to break into a cold sweat. A damp cloth was placed on your forehead which caused you to jump up. Allowing you eyes to adjust to the bright room, sitting next to you was Takuma, with Senri and Akatsuki sitting by the large table. Your head felt like an anchor, it just wanted to be place back on the pillow below you. The others didn't seem so compelled to leave, this meant you were probably staying here for a while. Apart of me wants to ask what just happened but I know the answer. I don't know what to do, what to say.  "(y/n), you must be very confused. Kaname and I had hoped that this would've been kept quiet for a little longer, but I guess that would've only hurt you more." Takuma had begun to speak again. It seemed like even he was struggling to start a conversation. "We should be letting you have some time to recollect your thoughts. If you need us, we'll be outside." And with that, the three of them individually stood up, of course Takuma turned around to give me a smile. It felt so conflicting, almost bittersweet. I'm stuck with a class of vampires until the rest of the year. My body still felt weakened and drained. It was almost an effort to keep my own eyes open. 

Resting down onto the bed, you can't help but notice the view from outside the window. The sky was painted with deep blues with the stars highlighting the sky. It took quite an effort, to move over from the bed to the window but it was worth it. The forest trees created a mysterious aesthetic, one you would normally see in a supernatural teenage drama or even a horror movie. But there was something rather peculiar taking place, one that was actually quite funny. "Hey Takuma, Akatsuki, Senri. Look whats going on outside!" You called out behind you, hoping that the three of them were still there.  The door knob creaked and Akatsuki popped his head inside a small gap he created in the doorway. "What is it?" His monotone voice echoed throughout the room. Looking back outside, it suddenly got worse. It was actually hilarious now, causing a light giggle which escalated into full on laughter. "Oi (y/n), what the hells going on. Don't tell me your going crazy or losing your mind." Akatsuki had abruptly appeared in front and was waving his hand in front of your head to grab your attention. You seriously couldn't be bothered with words, so you just pointed out the window. Akatsuki simply raised an eyebrow and looked out the window. Suddenly, he smirked and turned away from the window. "As expected of the gang leader, he's right on top of it when it comes to punishments. He's really holding back though, mostly cuz he's already tasted about a third of the day class girls." That's when your stomach dropped, it was only for a brief moment, your mindset still had the belief that your classmates human. 'Come on (y/n), just forget about it.' Looking back outside Aido had glasses of water on the back of his hands, mid-air. Then there was a shot glass shoved in his mouth and finally; a bowl filled with some red liquid on top of his head. "If he comes back inside with the red stuff all over him, please call him Carrie for the next week." Akatsuki asked with the same smirk. I just gave a slight smirk before I headed back to the bed. "Is it alright if you can leave? I just want some time to myself and I still want to rest some more before I head back to the dorm room." You had asked politely. Again, Akatsuki smiled down at the floor before he turned to the door. Waving his hand to signal his departure. When the door had finally shut it felt somewhat calming but there still felt like there was some kind of weight in my stomach and just got heavier and heavier. By this time I was drawn to the bed, maybe it will be the best thing. 

Next Day

What time is it? Even though I've just woke up, I feel refreshed, it must've been the whole night. The feeling in my stomach had calmed down but it was still there. I decided to look back outside and what do you know it? Aido is still there, in the same spot. I'm gonna regret what I'm about to do.  

Outside was a lot warmer than last night, it was comforting. I can finally see the infirmary from here and Aido was up ahead. My breathing quickened, it felt like I had a shot of adrenaline. Pumping through me, I was so much more awake. I have to stop, but I can't. This is the best way to deal with it. "Aido, nice balancing act." I call out, trying to laugh off some nervousness. "Well I feel like my arms are gonna fall off." He confessed, looking down at the ground. Obviously he is avoiding eye contact. "So how long do you have to do this for?" I ask, I mean he has been standing out here for a day, I think? "Until Lord Kaname comes back and I hope its soon. It'll probably be when he forgives me." Aido was getting more uncomfortable, he kept adjusting his arms and biting his lip. I couldn't help it but I started to fiddle with my fingers, looking down at the ground. "So, uhhhhh. I guess I should head back then." I say, turning back. "(y/n), I uh." Aido called out, why is this so awkward?! Why is this so hard? " It's kinda hard to explain what its like to have an urge like that. I'm sorry for what I did, its just being in a place such like this it can get hard. Its like if you humans lived without chocolate or whatever sweets you guys like and then it just appears. Its so tempting and eventually you have to have a taste. The day that you first arrived, we actually made bets to see how long you would figure it out. To be honest all of us didn't want you to find out yet it seemed like we all want you to find out. It was pretty funny actually." It was weird, the mood had finally lightened up but he was still standing in the same position. "I should actually head back now though. Enjoy the view and the work out." I said before finally waving goodbye. Finally some closure.


And another one is done. I'm still in a little writers block but I managed to finish it. I don't really have anything to say accept I hope you all enjoyed this part and the book so far, just_bored202 xx

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