Around Town

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(Y/n) P.O.V.
"You took your time unpacking. Or did you just get lost?" The same blue eyed, blonde haired guy from before called out from down stairs. "Aido, you don't have to be that rude. Besides you take twice as long to unpack and don't get me started on when we first arrived here and I had to walk you to the bathroom cuz you didn't know where it was." A deep monotone voice chuckled. The man himself had darker skin, he was a lot taller than all the other guys. His hair and eyes were the same mix of orange and brown. The room had then filled up with laughter, Aido's face turned red with a combination of embarrassment and anger. Those two must be close. Making my way down the stairs, I was careful to not slip, it was marble after all. "We were all planning to head into town. We were wondering if you wanted to join? Consider it as some kind of ice breaker." Takuma invited, while his eyes gleamed with excitement. "Sure, no harm in going out. I'll just get my bag from upstairs" you answered, rushing back upstairs. Since unpacking, everything was left in an organised spot. It didn't take long for everyone to gather back downstairs. Not everyone from before gathered downstairs, then again a group of 20+ people going out would be unconventional.

After everyone was gathered we headed out, I just followed along and took note of where we were going, for future reference. "I don't think I've introduced myself yet. The name is Hanabusa Aido, it's a nice to meet you." Aido had lifted your hand to kiss it. It was strange, yet endearing. Blood rushes towards your cheeks and you couldn't help but turn your head away. He has to be a player if he has an attitude like that. You caught up with the others and some of the guys gave a more disapproved look towards Aido. "What! It's not like I did anything to her." Aido refuted. I gave an awkward smile and I just let it go.

It was about a 20 minute walk before we finally reached a small town. By this time, the sky was a deep blue colour and the streets were lit by the towering street lamps. The streets weren't that lively but there was quite a few wondering around, eating at cafes or just shopping. Many of the shops had some sort of greenery decorated at the front. Some had vines, climbing to the top of the building, and some just a garden of colourful roses. Such a pretty aesthetic for a small town. "Where do we wanna start? Do we wanna get a bite to eat or have a shop around?" Ichijo asked. Everyone just looked at each other with an 'I don't mind' look before facing Ichijo again. Aido raises his hand, "let's go to the ice cream place! I've been craving ever since I got back here." His voice booms, it was so loud in fact, that a couple of passers by couldn't help but stare. "Why don't we ship around first, then have the ice cream. I mean after we walk around we can sit down after. It's just more relaxing." You suggested. "If it's an idea that's not Aido's then I'm down." Another girl chuckled. She flicked her pale brown hair out her face to behind her back. "Hey! That's not fair Ruka!" Aido argues. "I agree with (y/n), let's go." Senri backed me up before walking in the directions of some shops. The others followed, accept Aido. Who was on the ground, defeated. You just sighed before heading towards the shops yourself. "(Y/n)? Do you even know where your gonna go?" Aido asked, still on the ground. "I think I might just follow the others." You answer. "You know it's not safe to walk around here alone. Come with me, it'll be safer." He suggested. Despite how creepy it was, you complied. "Okay, why don't you show me around then?" Aido got off the ground, dusting his hands and knees before signifying where to go.

The first area you two walked around had many clothing stores and Aido pointed out the ice cream place they were heading out to later. In the middle was a huge fountain, one much larger compared to the ones in the school. The water splashed and glistened in the moonlight. You sat by the fountain and Aido took the seat next the you, he brought out his phone, probably texting the others where we were. There wasn't really anything you needed to buy, you just wanted to explore the town and get to know the others. By this time, stars where lighting up the night sky. You looked across the sky to see if you could spot any constellations and just admire their beauty. "You enjoying yourself (y/n)?" Aido asked, drawing your attention away from above. "Yeah, it's really nice around here. I wanna come back here for sure." You answer. After a couple of minutes of silence, a few voices could be heard down an alley. Seems like the rest are back. Takuma waves and signified for us to go to the ice cream parlour just across from where we were sitting.

We were all escorted to a room at the back of the parlour, it was pretty fancy considering where we were. "Let's take turns in ordering what we want so we don't create a long que. How about (y/n) and Senri go first? We'll figure the rest out as you're ordering." Takuma planned out. It was surprising that he was just the vice-president, he seemed more eligible to be the dorm president. Senri nodded and we headed for the door, "Oh Senri, get some water too while your at it." Aido called out. Senri just nodded, again. We headed out to an array of ice cream tubs all labelled. Looking around, there were as many flavours you could think of and more. This is any sweet tooth's fantasy. After searching for what felt like forever, you decided to go for the (favourite ice cream flavour), there will be other opportunities to come back and try flavours. Senri had gotten just classic vanilla with a chocolate sauce on top. Senri added the ice cream and water to the bill and we sat back down. The rest didn't take as long as we did before we all had ice cream together. Tasting the ice cream, it instantly melted in your mouth. The sugary goodness swept across your tongue filling you with happiness. It didn't take long for you or anyone else to finish it, I guess this is why it is so popular.

Around the time you headed back, it was around 9:30. Most conversations were introductory as you explained what life was before you came to Cross Academy. You all finally reached the dorms and Kaname was seated on the large maroon sofa with papers all over a dark wooden coffee table. As soon as we entered, his attention directed straight to us. "Welcome back. Did you enjoy your trip?" Kaname asked in the same monotone voice. "Kaname! Shouldn't you be in your study. Here let me help you." Takuma offered, rushing over to Kaname's side. Frantically picking up the scattered papers."Takuma it's okay, (y/n) would you mind helping me carry this up?" Kaname asked. "Sure." You complied. The rest returned to their rooms while you carried a pile of files to his office and the end of the hall.

When Kaname opened the door, a cool breeze flew over you, causing a light shiver. You followed after Kaname, inspecting all areas of the study. Books laid in the shelves to each side of the room. Couches lined with a bronze metal along the edge. At the back of the room was a large window and before it, a huge desk. One to rival the headmaster's. Placing the papers on top, you noticed a chess board with small marble pieces. All placed in some specific order, some off the board and for some reason, an extra white queen placed on the back of the board. "It's a planner for me, every piece is someone who I consider important. (Y/n), I cannot stress this enough. If there is anything that happens between you and a classmate that is unusual if dangerous, come to me." He requested. His eyes gave a stern look, almost giving him an intimidating presence. You just purse your lips and nodded. "You should get some sleep, it's getting late. Do you remember where your room is?" Kaname asks. "Yeah, its fine." You answer, rushing out as fast as your legs could carry you. Trading down the hallway till you got to your room. Slamming the door behind you.

Darkness had engulf you and you felt your way around the room till you felt your bed. Not before you could stub your toe on the edge of the bed. I hate wooden corners. You finally felt the soft, fluffy feeling which was the mattress and blanket. Lying down you snuggled under the covers and brought your phone out. Looking at all your social media, it kinda made you feel homesick. Your friends and family were all far away, and you were here. Despite that, you knew that the fun had only just begun.

Another chapter done! This took longer than expected. If you've read my diabolik lovers story (shameless plug), you'll know why I haven't been posting any chapters. I hope that you have enjoyed it and will keep enjoying it. Vote, comment, do whatever you want. Just_bored202

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