Discover through adventure

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It had been three days since you had headed into town. During this time you learnt your way around the school and you matched your sleep cycle to everyone else in the night class. It was still quite tiring but interesting to live the night life. You also met just about everyone in the night class; plus Zero and Yuki. It was unusual whenever you had a conversation with Zero. All topics somehow lead to his hate towards the night class but he'd evade why as soon as you asked. Yuki's crush on Kaname was amusingly obvious. I mean even saying his name caused her to blush and fly away with her strange imagination.

Despite this change in sleeping patterns, your always the last one to wake up. Waking up your alarm, you can hear the chatter downstairs. Walking down, still in your pj's, everyone looked they were planning something. "Morning guys!" You call out. "Hey (y/n), how'd you sleep? Oh by-the-way, hurry up. We're gonna do something fun before all the day class students arrive." Ichijo answered. Aido nodded in agreement and Shiki just stood there. You nodded as a reply and began to make your breakfast for the 'morning'. You continued your normal morning routine before going downstairs, again.The whole night class was in the entrance hall, discussing their normal lives, it seems that everyone was waiting for instructions. You walk further into the crowd until you spot Rima and Ruka, just hanging around them for the time being. "Alright, is everybody here?" Takuma calls. Standing on the marble stairs, Kaname and Aido stood next to him. Takuma was holding laminated papers whilst Kaname and Aido held a bunch of halloween props. It's only January! Why do they have have this stuff out? "Alright guys, we're gonna do something fun today before the day class arrives. It is going to be an amazing race with a twist. We are going to have half of you helping us and the other half participating." Takuma's announcement got everyone riled up. The chatter of fellow students increased in volume, creating hype for the race. "As for the winner, there is a prize and it's good. It will begin in about half-an-hour, now these will be the groups..."

For the next ten minutes, we all arranged into pairs. I was placed with Akatsuki, which was good since this was a good time to get to know him. We all dispersed and Akatsuki and I headed for the fountain at the front of the school. Opening the door, a blast of wind hit you, giving you the chills. When we finally arrived, we waited for the signal but we didn't know what it was. "It's hard to believe school starts in a couple of days."I say, hoping to start a conversation as it fills time. "I don't really care. All the classes will be the same. Have you seen what you have? Like what classes like math, psych, bio theory, etc." He asks. "Yeah, don't you just mean bio? Well, where I come from, we don't say bio theory, just bio." You answer in confusion. "Nah, theory and bio are different. Theory is abou-.  Actually, you don't really need to know about it." He replies. You've heard about this theory subject before, it was meant be like a mix of history and bio. The only thing is that it wasn't an option for you yet it seems like every other night class student is taking this class. Not that you wanted to take this class, it just felt like you were a little left out. Now that you thought about it, this class was shrouded in mystery. There is some kind of separation between you and everyone else. Before you could continue this conversation with yourself until a loud horn noise disturbed the silence. That was the signal. Opening the letter, you two looked at the clue and headed to the first place.

It had been around an hour of walking around and doing weird things such as a three legged run, egg balancing and a few trivia questions. The next place you where heading to was the old chapel. Before the doors lied a note:


The note had intrigued you, ignoring the note you entered without caution. "Oi you should wait outside for this one. (y/n), come on stay here and I'll get the next envelope." Akatsuki warned you. "Why? Its not like I'm gonna get hurt or anything. Seriously, what's the worst that can happen." You signified for him to follow after you but he seemed quite insistent. The two of you had a stare down until he finally complied, but hesitantly. The closing of the door echoed throughout the building, causing a funny feeling in your stomach. 'It's just a dark church, there isn't anything you should worry about. We can just get the clue and get outta here.' You thought to yourself, attempting to calm yourself. "I think the challenge is to find the envelope in the dark." Akatsuki calls out. Judging by the volume of his voice, you two shared a bit of distance. Sighing, you feel along the ground to see if you could feel anything. You moved your hand to the side and felt something slimy and sticky. "Aghh, what the hell. I just touched something sticky! It's disgusting!!!" you cry in alarm. "So this is where Aido and Takuma are." Akatsuki assumes. A small cackle arose at the end of the room before a slap was heard. Looking in the direction of the giggle. Four red lights began to form. Walking closer, the shapes formed into circles, almost like eyes. Before you could take another step, "(y/n), I think I found it. Lets go." He called out from the other side of the room. Finally, we can leave! You took another step and a snap echoed throughout the building. Continuing your step you realised what snapped, it was the floorboard below you. Before you knew it, you were head first on the ground. A sudden stinging sensation rushed through your body, but specifically your knees and thighs began to really ache. "Hey can you assholes turn on the lights!?" Akatsuki called out to who we presumed was Aido. Footsteps soon echoed and those same red lights moved in time with footsteps. 'What is going on?' you thought. *flick*

Brightness stung your eyes as you used your arms to shield from the light. Finally adjusting your eyesight, Akatsuki, Aido and Takuma all stood around you in worry. "Hey, you right (y/n)? Can you get up yourself?" Takuma asked, holding his hand out. You took it, only to realised you had grazed your hand. Aido licked his lips before turning his back. "I'm gonna need a minute, I can't stand blood. I'll escort anyone else who arrives here for now." Aido rushes off while continuing his sentence. "I should do the same. You got this Takuma." Akatsuki left while holding his hands over his mouth and nose. Takuma was left alone with you and he seemed to be worried. "If you need a minute, you can leave too." You suggest. "No, I don't want you alone in this state. Come on, lets get you to sit down." Takuma pulled me over to closest chair and he sat down beside me. "To be honest, you are quite the trouble maker. I was hoping something like this would occur later than now. Like in a week or maybe even never." Takuma began to converse. "Hey, you alright? Whats going on?" You ask. "Oh don't worry. It's just, I think something is going to happen soon and it's gonna change the way you view us all. What's worse is nothing can be done about it. The thought for you probably wouldn't be enough to comprehend." He continued. Things were just getting even more confusing and concerning by this stage. "I'm sorry, I feel like I've just changed the way this whole class works. Whatever it is you think I can't comprehend, I'll try. I can't just abandon that truth, it doesn't matter what it is." You reply. 'What is even going on?' Then, Takuma's phone buzzes. Looking at the screen he then stands up. "I'm gonna take you to the first-aid. Everyone else is heading back." Helping you up, you both left the old chapel, slowly.

While walking over a bridge in the middle of the forest, Takuma stops. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Oh no! I left some really important files in the chapel. Ahh! But I can't leave you here but taking you back will exhaust you." Takuma panicked. It was kinda funny but then you suggest: "It's alright to leave me here. I can wait, just get your stuff and come back." He thought it over as expressed with the multiple sighs and thumb on his chin. "Fine, I'm going to leave you here. But if anything happens, call me immediately." With that he left off, running as fast as he could until he faded into the distance.

While waiting, water flew through the river creating a nice sound. Every few minutes, a gust of wind would blow the trees slightly to the right. But otherwise, it was silent. Your eyes began to close due to the environment until the sound of grass mushed under a foot. Turn your head towards the sound, the silhouette wasn't Takuma's. The same red lights we're heading towards you until the figure was about 20m away from you. It was Aido. "Hey, you feeling better? Aido?" You ask, limping towards him. It was only when you got closer you realised. The red lights, were his eyes. Stepping back with caution, you didn't know what to do. "(Y/n), what's wrong? You seem pretty scared." Aido asks, stepping towards you. Being careful with your step, you backed away from both him and the river. You foot slips and now your butt was on the ground. The graze on your hand opens again as you could feel the warm, red liquid drip from your hand, down to your elbow. Suddenly standing before you, Aido grabs your bleed hand and inspects it with such curiosity and intrigue. He brought your arm closer to him before you pull it away. Blood accidentally drops on his hand and it didn't take long for him to notice. He begins to smile and it was that moment, you realised what was wrong. Two canines had extended from the rest of his teeth and sharpened. As hard it was to believe, everything made sense now. Aido licked the blood, your blood, off of his hand before turning his attention to you. He, no, the whole night class, are vampires!? He launched towards you and pushed you down, with you now lying on your back. He placed one hand behind your neck and lifted you towards him. This can't be happening! No! His breath was tingling your neck and something wet dragged across it. Bracing yourself, you soon noticed Takuma in the background. In complete panic, while holding files. He was calling out to Aido to stop and regain his senses but it was no use. Then it happened. A unique sting hit your neck, causing you to gasp. The sound of drinking made its way into your ear and created shivers down your back. Your eyelids started to feel heavy and everything was growing darker. Takuma was so close and dropped the papers before separating you from Aido. Then you saw it, your blood all around his mouth, chest and shirt. The was nothing left but shock, the exhaustion soon had you collapse onto the cool grass. Looking at sky you questioned 'what have I gotten myself into?' Before everything fell into darkness.

Nocturnal Dreamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن