A moonlit night

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It was the final day before the long-awaited term. The day class students arrived and they've been screaming at the gate every single day. Yuki and Zero were the ones 'controlling' them, but it wasn't too successful. Especially when Aido, the most popular of them all, riles them up as he waves out the window or worse, blowing kisses to them at dusk. Luckily, the bite marks had fully healed and there was only a slight bruise on my neck, easy to cover with makeup. I also received the night class uniform, which looks way too elegant to be a uniform. The only thing I was missing was a few school supplies, that'll be easy to deal with. Due to being the neat freak I was, it didn't take long to prepare for my trip into town.

"Hey, Ruka! Do you wanna go into town with me? I'm getting some last minute supplies for tomorrow." I ask her as she sat on the lounges, admiring her beloved Kaname. She gave me a slight glare as I took her out of her trance but resumed to a warmer expression. "No thank you, I already have everything," Ruka replied. "(Y/n), I don't want you to go out there alone. Get someone to go with you." Kaname had called out from the desk near the window. Several footsteps clattered towards the entrance lobby. The door swung open and Senri entered, holding a glass of the 'mock blood' in his hands."I'll go (y/n). Just lemme get my stuff." Senri butted in. "Cool, I'll just be down here," I reply and with that, he headed upstairs. I sat next to Ruka for the company, but there was no exchange in conversation. I pulled out my phone and quickly played a couple of games to kill time. Senri was downstairs in no time with his phone in his hand. He waved goodbye to Ruka and we were out the door.

Once again it was a silent night, despite the weather being quite warm a cool breeze would flow by every so often. "So...." I speak up, trying to start a conversation. I just got a look Senri and I think my heart just melted. It was no wonder the day class went crazy over these guys. "Something wrong? You look like you're staring into space." Senri broke me out of my trance, 'I can't believe I just got caught staring!' I just turn my head and keep walking. "Oh well I mean we still have a little while to walk so maybe we could have a conversation," I suggest. Senri just smirked, pulling out some kind of small, red cardboard box. The smell of chocolate and savoury biscuit wafted around you as Senri continued to open the packet. "You want some?" Senri asked, holding out a long chocolate covered stick. You silently accepted the offer, taking the pocky stick and placing it in your mouth. He soon followed. The silence was so strong, it was just the sound of footsteps and the crunch of pocky.

"Do you regret coming here, (y/n)?" Senri asked he seemed a little more serious than before. "I mean honestly, I'm still getting used to everything I mean it is such a drastic change. It's only just started so I can't really make any solid judgements yet." I answer. "Huh, I guess that will do. I hope you realise that being apart of the night class will be hard. You being here means you will be targeted by who knows what and just because we are cooperating with humans and drink the blood tablets doesn't mean that we aren't going to drink your blood. Aido must've helped you in realising that." Serni's last sentence gave you a funny feeling in your stomach. To not only be attacked by presumably other vampires but even the night class. That bite was so painful, you couldn't imagine it happening again or used to it. "I don't know, nothing has really happened yet. All I can really do is place my faith in all of you." I reply, giving off a warm smile. Senri smiled back.

The town was as beautiful and vibrant as ever. "Here, there's a good stationary shop around this way," Senri suggests, pulling my arm towards him. "It's probably best if you stay close, it's really not safe for you to look like your alone here. Level E's will easily attack you."
"Level E's? What are those?" You ask. "They're the lowest form of vampires, former humans. They will stop at nothing to feed even if their body is half destroyed." He replies. Even though the vampires I knew were beautiful, there had to be some form of 'horror' somewhere. But. "So humans can become vampires then?" I ask back. 'This is too much like a q&a.' Senri just chuckles, "Pureblood vampires are the only vampires that can turn a human. Why do you wanna know? Don't tell me you're getting any ideas?" "Oh no! I'm just curious. I think I'd prefer to stay human thanks." I was trying to laugh off what seemed like another awkward conversation between us. 

When we finally arrived, Senri just said he would wait outside whilst I got what I needed. The store seemed pretty ordinary. The stock was lined up neatly in their shelves, all placed neatly and in order. I got everything pretty quickly and headed outside, but he wasn't there. Looking around, there was no one. It is possible that Senri needed to do something really quickly, I should wait here but, nah. This town looks so cool and I've been dying to see what it looks like at night, whether or not someone is with me. I walked away from the storefront in who knows what direction? Just wandering around, taking in the atmosphere. I was alone, it seemed to peaceful yet unnerving. The more I walked around, the more the pit in my stomach grew. Shops closed down, streets were less populated and everything just got darker. 

*hic hic*

What is that noise? It sounds like a child crying. A little girl. The idea of a child being alone in a place like this is just heartbreaking. Walking around, the sound of crying just got louder and louder. *hic hic* There she was, a small girl with long brown hair in the corner of a dead-end alley. Crouching in the dark, obviously, she was terrified. I reached out my hand and slowly began walking closer. "Hey, little girl. Are you lost? Do you need help?" I call out to her, with focus solely on her. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask again. The little girl stopped crying, her head tilted up towards me. Her eyes opened with bright red irises staring at me. This was bad. As a looked closer, a dark liquid stained her cheeks and clothes. There was no doubt. "Thank you miss, I've been so hungry. Please help me." Before I could think to do anything, she lunged faster than I anticipated, toppling me to the ground. A hideous grin spread across her face with blunt fangs protruding from her mouth. Her laugh was so maniacal, you would think it came straight out of some horror game. Adrenaline rushed and breathing became sporadic. This can't be happening. Is this a Level E? 

"Didn't I tell you not to go running off (y/n)? This is what happens when you don't listen to me?" 

The creature turned towards the voice, visibly irritated. But that irate expression turned to fear after seeing, well whatever it saw. It leapt back and I got on my feet before I could be attacked again. "Stay here, I'll deal with this." It was Senri. Never have I ever been so happy to see him, it's like this load of anxiety just lifted off of my shoulders and I could breathe. He walked in front and bit the tip of his finger. I could only watch in shock as what seemed like some kind of whip coming from Senri's finger with the Level E jumping around, avoiding as many hits as it could. But it grew tired and Senri wasn't, hitting the creature in one shot and it turning into a pile of sand. It was shocking, was this how a vampire died? Nobody left behind, just a pile of sand. "Come on, let's go back before you do anything stupid again." Senri grabbed my hand and tugged it with me being dragged along, behind. 

"Why did you think it was a good idea to go off on your own?" He questions. "Okay, you were the one that left me alone? I came out of the shop and couldn't find you! Stop blaming me for something that isn't my fault!" I spat back, even though I did go out on my own. He was the one that left me in the first place! "Even after I told you that there were Level E's all around town that would kill you, you thought it was a good idea wander around anyway. If you couldn't find me, then you should've stayed put. It was a pain to find you anyway. I will be telling Kaname about this." Of course, he would tell Kaname, but he's just gonna lie about what happened anyway and get me in trouble. "You do realise you could've died there. It's frustrating to think that a Level E would kill you and I would have to tell everyone it was my fault. For the first time, I thought that I could meet a human that didn't do my head in." Senri began. "It's also the first time I've ever really cared about a human that much. Please don't do it again. I may not act like it, but I was panicking too." Wha. I couldn't help but blush. "Oh, I see." I gave out a slight smile, and I got one in return. 

"You know most people do at least show a little more emotion when they are in a time of strife," I commented. "I work as a model, I can't have any wrinkle, the manager will get angry at me." 

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