Logan's fantasy part 3

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Going to continue the fantasy cause i am out of ideas and I am going to have L.J coming into the story really soon and this is going to lead up to L.J coming into the story after a while

Erin was getting close to her due date with L.J and she could not wait to meet their little boy soon

"Logan" she says one night after all of the girls were sound asleep

"Yeah Erin you okay?" he asks as he came over to her to see if she was okay or not

"I think this might be it" she says as she looks up at him after the pain was gone

"I'll call the guys to see if they can come over and stay with the girls while we are at the hospital" he says as he was calling the others to see if they wanted to come over and stay with the girls while Logan and Erin was at the hospital seeing if this was the real thing or not Logan hoped it wasn't Erin hoped it was the real thing

Kendall and James volunteered to come over and stay with the girls just in case this was going to be it and little L.J was going to be born


"Thanks guys for coming over on short notice" Logan says as he was helping Erin down the stairs so they could get going to the hospital

"No problem Logan if it turns out to be a false alarm we understand completely and we might be back before we know it" James says as he headed up to check on the girls and see if they were okay and were still asleep like little angels 

Kendall was going to be the driver just in case it was a false alarm he could drive back, and if it was the real thing he was going to give Logan a break when he needed a break as well so he could get ice, food or anything else that he needed

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as Kendall held the door open for Erin so they could get going to the hospital

"Welcome Logan" Kendall says as they headed for the hospital to see if Erin was in labor or not 


The nurses took Erin back to see if she was in full labor or it might be a false alarm and she was going to be going home that night as well so Logan had to wait in the waiting room for the time being until he was called back

"Logan would it be different for you if it was the other way around?" Kendall asks him

"Probably I would be scared to death" Logan says as he imagines that fantasy he had before

(Logan's fantasy again)

"You going to need a wheelchair too?" the nurse asks when she saw Erin and how big she was with L.J

"No I don't think so" Erin says as she got Logan into the wheelchair so they could head into the hospital with Logan and James and Carlos were going to bring the girls when everything was settled and Logan was checked in and had his happy medicine in him

Logan squeezed Erin's hand when he felt a contraction come on as they were heading upstairs

"Logan it's going to be okay" she says as they got into the elevator to go up to labor and delivery so he could have the baby

"I hope so Erin" he says as they were heading upstairs, so his doctor could see where he was dilated

Logan and Erin were in the elevator before they knew it and were on their way to meet the newest Henderson

"Logie do you want another boy or girl?" Erin asks him

"Another girl cause the eight we have is perfect and this one can be another daddy's girl" he says as he was rubbing his bump as they got off the elevator to head to his room where he was going to be until it was time for the baby to be delivered

Logan saw he had a great room and with help from the nurse he got up to change into a hospital gown and see if the baby was going to be born that day or not

"Okay I got everything set-up just in case this little one is going to be born" Erin says as she came over to the bathroom where Logan was

"Can you hand me my robe please cause this gown has an open back and i do not like that at all" he asks her

"Sure i don't mind" she says as she went to get his robe so he could have his back cover

She handed him the robe and he stepped out to go sit on a chair that was in the room cause he did not want to be in the hospital bed at all very much only when he was going to be getting the pain medicine and for delivery as well

"Okay i think i am ready if this baby is going to be born" he says as he sat down as he waited for the nurse to come in and see if the baby was going to be coming that day or not

"We might as well see if we can get a name set for this little angel" Erin says to him

"Might as well since i don't have anything else to do" he says as the nurse came in to check Logan

Logan hated he had to get on the bed, but he was okay that he was going to be allowed to sit back down in the chair after it was over and put his feet up since the chair reclines

"Okay Mr. Henderson you are at one centimeter right now" the nurse says after she had checked Logan

"Is that good?" Erin asks the nurse

"We will have to see if he progresses and if he doesn't he will be going home" the nurse tells her as she throws away her glove after she had checked Logan

"It not like i have anything else to do" Logan says as he got up to sit back down in the chair cause he wanted nature to take it course

Logan was going to be going home cause it was false labor

(End of fantasy)

"How is Erin Henderson doing?" Logan asks the nurse at the window cause he didn't hear anything

"It's false labor" the nurse says to him cocky

V & C

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now