Erin sees the doctor/Logan's fantasy part 5

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Yup we are getting closer to having L.J coming into the story I don't wanna make you wait any longer 

"Hey Logan how is she doing?" Kendall asks him

"It's a false alarm and she will be going home soon" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he sat down in the chair across from him

"Aren't they going to keep her to see what will happen throgh the night?" Kendall asks Logan

"I guess not they ain't even going to check to see if she is dilated or call her doctor and have him come" Logan says as he starts getting mad that Erin was not being taken care of right

Kendall was going to go up to see if Erin could be checked over and see if she is dilated or if she is having any contractions while Logan goes back to his fantasy

(Logan's fantasy)

"Okay Mr. Henderson you are at one centimeter right now" the nurse says after she had checked Logan

"Is that good?" Erin asks the nurse

"We will have to see if he progresses and if he doesn't he will be going home" the nurse tells her as she throws away her glove after she had checked Logan

"It not like i have anything else to do" Logan says as he got up to sit back down in the chair cause he wanted nature to take it course

Logan was going to be going home cause it was false labor

"I feel like they didn't really monitor me right" Logan says as he was changing back into his clothes as he was having contractions still

"Me too I am going to have the doctor see you to see if you are really in labor and if this baby is coming" Erin says as she was going to help him out to the car since Kendall was going to be coming back to help her since she couldn't walk the best right now and neither could Logan cause Logan was really pregnant and his belly had dropped

"Thanks Erin that is one reason i married you" he says as he kisses her cause he really did want to have the baby

"Oh Logan i love it when you are romantic" she says as they continue to kiss

Kendall came into the room to help Logan back out to the car so they could head to the doctor's and see if he baby was going to be coming anytime soon and what they were going to do

"Our baby is fully ready to come i think it is running out of room in there" Erin says as they were leaving the hospital

"I think so too Erin i can't wait till we meet her" he says as he rubs his bump as they headed out of the hospital together

Kendall helped Logan in and they headed for the doctor's to check on the baby

(end of fantasy)

"Logan i have her doctor going to open his office for her, so he can see her and check on the baby cause he is not happy either with the hospital either" Kendall says as he come over to Logan

"Thank goodness he knows if she is in labor cause he has been worried about her since the last appointment" Logan says as he was going to go back to be with Erin and was going to leave the hospital to go to the doctor's

"You don't say Logan" Kendall tells him

"I don't" Logan says as he approaches Erin's room to bust her out of there and take her home after they go to the doctor's to see about L.J and see when he will be coming into the world cause Erin was tired of being pregnant

Erin was fully ready to go home, but she wanted to see her doctor first to get a second opinion on the matter cause her doctor is at two hospitals and her doctor might send her to the other hospital to see if she is really in labor or it is a false alarm like the hospital told her, and she had something up her sleeve for later   


"Easy Erin" he says as he helps her into the doctor's office cause he was able to see her

"Thanks Logan" she says as she sat down 

Logan went to get her checked in and was back at her side in minutes as they waited Logan went back to his fantasy once again 

(Logan's fantasy)  

"I think so too Erin i can't wait till we meet her" he says as he rubs his bump as they headed out of the hospital together

Kendall helped Logan in and they headed for the doctor's to check on the baby and see if she was going to be making her appearance soon since he was getting tired of being pregnant as well


Logan sat down as he had another contraction and he was ready to have this baby now and not later 

"You in pain Loges?" Kendall asks him

"Yes I am and i feel that this baby is ready to come now and not later" Logan says as he gave Kendall the death stare 

"I hope you get in soon and we see about this little one" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan as they were waiting to get called back to see if the baby was surely coming

(End of fantasy)

"Erin you hanging in there?" Logan asks as he sits next to her as they were waiting to get called back 

"So far so good Logan" she says as she looks at him as she was dealing with the contractions 

"You got this and in the end we will have our little guy" he says as he let her squeeze as she was dealing with the contraction 

"We will i can't wait to meet him" she says as they shared a kiss as they were waiting to go back and see if L.J was going to be born soon

"Me either i can't wait to hear his cries" he says as they were called back 

Logan helped Erin up as they headed back to see about L.J and if he was going to be born that day or later on Erin was hoping he was going to be born 

"Logie can you carry me?" she asks him

"Sure babe" he says as he picks her up and carries her into the exam room where the contractions were going to be monitored and he was going to check Erin as well 

V & C

Okay i apologize in advance if it is short let's say the new girl is done and i had to work an eleven hour day so i was not able to write as much as i would like today and like i always do on Saturdays (some Saturdays I am of, and i can get the whole chapter up for you guys) when i work and early shift (which i did today and that got changed really fast when she did not show up at all or call to say she was not coming in today or the day before that, and she called off twice last week, and i covered for her) so i might be working crazy some days and there will be days when i don't work like crazy and i can write like normal and i won't be able to update like i like and keep all of you happy. On busy days i might do previews and wait until i have some time off so i can get the chapters fully up for you guys in the future

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