Christmas with eight kids

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Logan, Kendall, and James works fast to get all of the gifts around the tree to make it look like Santa came during the night while they were asleep

"Sorry if i couldn't be of much help guys" Logan says as he puts one present in one of the girls' piles

"Logan, we understand you have eight kids, and one of them getting sick around the holidays is an exception" Kendall says as he brings out one of the ride-on's that the girls have

"Yeah, and poor Lexi got it" Logan says as he wipes some snot away from Lexi's nose

"How's Heaven?" James asks him

"She's good she got better a few days later rest is what she needed, and she has adjusted well" Logan says as he rocks Lexi in his arms a little bit

"How old are the babies?" Kendall asks Logan

"They turned three months old not that long ago, and they will be four months old next month" Logan says as he looks at each of the girl's pictures that was on the wall, and was taken at the hospital that had their names on it

"Are you going to have one with the other girls done?" Kendall asks as they go to bed

"Yeah, later down the road I'm thinking of getting a family picture taken of all of us" Logan says as he goes to his bedroom to lay Lexi down, so he could get some sleep cause four little girls are going to be up really early tomorrow plus Erin was coming over to meet the new girls that came into Logan's life

"Night Lexi I love you" he says as he covers her up and kisses her good night before going to bed himself

(Christmas morning)

Logan decided to wake-up before the girls, so he could put Erin's present on the tree after he turned the tree on

"Hopefully, she sees it" he says as he goes to the kitchen to get the juices in the right sippy cups ready as well as plates both big and small out of the cupboard. As well as the girl's placemats for their little table, so they could get breakfast that morning without getting messy

Once everything was out, he started on breakfast until he heard three cries on the main monitor that was in the baby nursery

"Okay girls I'm coming" he says as he goes upstairs to get the other girls who weren't sick and bring them down for breakfast that morning

Kendall comes to help Logan with the three babies that woke up from their slumber

"I'm going to see if Lexi is up" Logan says as he goes and checks on Lexi to see if she was wake

"Morning Lexi merry Christmas" Logan says as he enters his room to get Lexi from her bassinet where she was sleeping

Logan picks her up and carries her to the nursery to be changed

"Lexi looks like she is feeling better" Kendall says when he sees the happy baby

"Yeah, she is" Logan says as he lays her down, so he could change her

"Who is playing Santa?" Kendall asks Logan

"James volunteered to do the job, and i can't wait to see how he pulls it off" Logan says as he puts Lexi Christmas outfit on her

Once all four babies were ready Logan took them down, so he could get their picture in front of the tree

"Girls smile" he says to the babies

Logan got a decent picture of the babies together

"It will be better next year" he says when he sees the picture

All he had to do is get one with the girls together, and one with all eight in front of the tree once the girls wake-up from their slumber

"The girls must be sleepy" Kendall says as he brings in four bottles for the babies

"What do you expect they are only two, and they have been the orphanage for a long time" Logan says as he puts the babies in their bumbo's, so they could be fed their formula

"How long?" Kendall asks as he feeds two of the babies

"Since they were three months old. Couple came to see one of the girls, and were surprised that the girls were quads, so they were passed up, so they were in the orphanage until i adopted them" Logan says as he feeds the other two babies

"My god who would do that to them" Kendall says in shock

"I don't know" Logan says as the babies start to suckle their formula

"Oh Logan this is from me, Kendall and Carlos" James says as he brings in a huge table for Logan that had four seats built in for the babies

"Thanks guys I'm going to need that soon" Logan says with a chuckle

"There are plenty more from us for you" Kendall says as he points to Logan's pile

"Thanks guys I can't wait until Erin gets here" Logan says as the two he was feeding was still suckling their bottle

"Why?" Kendall and James asks him

"I'm going to pop the question to her" Logan says in a whisper

"Congrats buddy" Kendall and James says

"Thanks" Logan says as he takes the two, he was feeding out, so they could be burped

The girls come down a couple of minutes later

"Breakfast is ready girls" Logan tells them as the family enters the kitchen to eat breakfast together as a family

The girls ate their breakfast happily then daddy took them upstairs to get their Christmas dresses on, so they could have their picture taken in front of the tree

"Girls smile" Logan says after he put the girls together in front of the tree

"Cheese" all four say at once

"Now to put the babies in the picture" he says as he puts the babies below their sisters

Once pictures have been taken the girls were allowed to go to their pile to wait until it was their turn to open their presents. The older girls sat in their ride-on's cause they loved those most of all

"Maybe later we can go out, and you guys can take them for a spin" Logan says as he puts the babies by their piles that they had

Soon Erin comes over for Christmas

"Logan who are these little cuties?" Erin asks him

"Say hi to Hallie, Heaven, Hillary, and Hannah my newest set of quads" he tells her

"They are so cute Logan" she says as she gives the babies their gifts

"Before i have the girls open their gifts look on the tree there is something for you" he tells her

Erin looks all over the tree until she finds the ring that Logan had for her

"Erin Sanders, will you marry me?" he asks as he gets down on one knee

"Yeah, i will" she says as they kiss

The girls were so happy that they were going to have a mommy finally after all of this time

Merry Christmas everyone

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now