Leila comes home

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Logan was excited cause one of the girls were going to be released that day to come home. Cause her levels were back to normal

"Morning buddy what is up with you?" Kendall asks him one morning

"Today Leila comes home cause she is all better" Logan says happily as he fixes himself breakfast

"That's exciting" James says as he feeds Fox

"Yeah it is this is another step closer to having all of them home and in my arms

While the girls were in the hospital Logan shopped for the crib bedding for each crib. Put the names above each crib and on the door that leads to their room. As well as shopped for all the clothes that they needed to wear for the first couple of months, and he stocked up on supplies. As well as baby proofed his entire house, got toys and stuffed animals for them.

"Should I have gotten the high chairs yet?" He asks

"No they are only a month old Logan and they still need you for a little while longer" Kendall tells him

"You are stocked up on everything that they will need until they start solids and start potty training" James tells him

"You guys are right I might worry here and there, but I don't want them to get hurt at all" Logan says

"Buddy we are staying here so we can help keep tabs on the girls cause once they become mobile it will be hard for you to keep your eye on them" Kendall tells him

"Thanks right now I can handle Leila on my own for now" Logan says as he finishes breakfast

"Okay then when all three are home we'll come back and help you" Kendall tells him

James decided to go hang with Peta and Kendall went to be with Kathryn

"I think I'm going to get Leila diaper bag ready and go get her from the hospital" Logan says after his friends left 

The day before he picked up the cake and the balloons and hanged the welcome home sign. That way he could give Leila his undivided attention until the others were home from the hospital

"What to have her wear" he says when he enters her nursery and goes to her closet that had a lot of outfits in it to hopefully last her for a couple of months before he had to get more clothes

Logan picks out a cute outfit from her closet to bring her home in

"I love this" he says when he picked out a cute outfit, and puts it in the diaper bag

"Now time to go get Leila" he says as he leaves to go get her from the hospital


Logan parked in the patient release parking lot

"Don't worry Leila daddy is coming" he says as he grabs her car seat and diaper bag from the backseat

Logan entered the hospital with a happy feeling cause he was glad to be bringing Leila home


"Yes I'm here to get Leila Henderson" he tells the nurse

"She is in the main nursery" the nurse says as she unlocks the door to let him in, so he could get Leila

"Thank you" he says as he heads there

Logan tries to spot where Leila was in the nursery

"Hey pretty girl it's daddy" he tells her when he sees her

Leila was fast asleep in the bassinet

"I'm here to take you home sweet girl" he says as a nurse grabs her

Logan worked fast to get Leila dressed, so she doesn't get cold

"There we go Leila Henderson you look beautiful" he says as he wraps her up in her cute little blanket

Logan places her in her car seat and buckles her in

"Now we get to go home pretty girl" he says as he leaves with her

Before he leaves he checks on the other three that were in the nursery still

"Don't worry you three I'll come back for you guys i promise you" he tells them as he blows each of them a kiss

He sees that Lottie still has her sunglasses on her still

"Bye girls i love you" he tells them as he leaves with Leila who was fast asleep in her car seat

Logan puts her shades on her before they left the hospital, so she wasn't blinded by the sunlight

"Here we go sweet girl" he says as he secures the car seat to the car seat base

Logan makes sure the car seat was secured before he left with her

"I believe you are secured little girl" he says when he made sure the car seat was locked into place

Logan gets in the drivers seat and heads home to bring Leila home

(Logan's place)

"Here we are Leila girl home at last" he says as he gets her out of her car seat and brings her in

Logan was shocked when he found the door unlocked

"I swear i locked the house before i left to get you Leila" he says as he enters the house with the baby that was still sleeping in his arms

"Surprise welcome home Leila" everyone says when Logan enters with Leila in his arms

Logan was blown away when he saw the former cast of the hit t.v show there to welcome Leila home from the hospital

"Since Leila is the gust of honor she gets a special seat, but you get to hold her though" Kathryn says as she guides Logan over to the chair that would go in her nursery later

"Look Leila you got presents to open sweet girl" he says as he shows the baby the presents that everyone got Leila

Leila opened her yes, so everyone could see her pretty eyes

"Ah she is adorable" Ciara says when she saw the baby that was looking around the room

"I know she is" Logan says as he rocks Leila in his arms

"Let's get this party started" Carlos says to everyone

Alexa gives Logan her's and Carlos gift which was a baby swing that Logan was going to keep downstairs since he had one up in her room already

"Here we go sweet girl you can be in your swing" he says as he places Leila in her swing

Leila loved watching the mobile go round and round as dadd interacted with everyone. After Logan ate he opened the presents that Leila got

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now