7- Hello Lucy

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Lucy's pov

A gush of cold air rushes over me as I open the big doors. A loud creak echoes throughout the big room. I don't understand zeref. All his men are fighting no more than a mile away and he's here, in this mansion.

I start walking. I don't know where. I can feel my body shivering, out of cold or the fear I don't know.

I just need to find the book.

Then all of this will be over. Natsu can live a long, happy life alongside everyone else.

I don't have room for failure. I have to do this. For natsu.

I follow a long pathway. It's as if it were endless. And I realize...that it's quiet. Really quiet.

This shouldn't be so easy. Shouldn't someone be here? But, a feeling of dread washes over me and I realize I spoke too soon.

"Hello Lucy Heartfilia."

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