17- One Last Push

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Natsu's pov ( 1 minute prior)

"Goodbye, natsu."

No! What is she doing!

The power, it's too strong, I can't get to her.


I scream and scream her name, but she's not listening.

Her body...it's flickering. She's disappearing! I have to get to her. I will.
I push and push, closing the distance between us.

So close now...

It's getting harder and harder to see her. I can feel the tears flowing from my eyes.

"LUCY!" I yell with one last push, before she's gone forever.

I feel the familiarities of her under my arms. I can feel her, and that's all that matters. I can feel the magic trying to push me away... but I won't let her leave.

"I won't let you leave me!"

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