13- One Last Time

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Lucy's pov

I'm going to do it...but first...I just need to relive everything...one..last..time.

I close my eyes, and the pictures flow through my head.

Faces, voices, all of the memories since I've joined Fairy Tail flash through my mind.

A soft smile sets itself on my face.

I finally found happiness in Fairy Tail, all because of...

The image of the pink haired boy who has brought me so much joy passes through my mind.

My vision starts to blur with tears.


It was you that brought me to Fairy Tail. That gave me a family.

So, it's only right that I give you the chance to stay with that family.

With his face in mind, I stand up with newfound determination.

I raise my hands upward, and feel the magic start to pulse through me.

A yellow light starts to emit from me, and I slowly close my eyes.

This is it...

The end.

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