Meeting the brothers and mean Kohala/Midget

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"Are you sure about this Grizz"? you said nervously. He was taking you to go visit his brothers."It will be fine babe". You nodded and he wrapped an arm around your waist. He opened the door and you both walked inside to see to males sitting on the couch. One of them had glasses black hair and bags under his eyes.He seemed Japanese. The other one had white hair and white clothes on."Hey, guys, I'd like yo to meet my girlfriend (y/n)". They turned to you and you waved shyly. The one with the glasses got up and walked to you."Hello there~" He said. You blushed and Grizz got mad. He picked him up and threw him back to the couch."MINE"! He said picking you up and running outside. You passed by a Midget wearing sunglasses. He smirked at you and Grizz kicked him into the sky


"Panda/Peter why are we doing this again"?  You questioned."Because I want you to meet my brothers". You frowned. since I'm meeting your brothers you're going to meet my parents". He gulped and nodded. You smiled and walked with him inside and saw two people sitting on the couch. One had brown skin and black hair. And the other one had light skin and white hair. "Hello"! you said cheerfully gaining their attention. especially the white one. He smiled sat up walked towards you and kissed your hand. You blushed and Panda/Peter pulled you back and kicked him in the face. He picked you up and ran to his room. He threw you on the bed and went to go lock his door. You herd tapping and turned around and saw a koahla/Midget tapping on the window. He winked at you and panda punched him in the face. Then started a heated make out session 

Issac/Ice bear:

"Do you think they'll like me?". Your boyfriend was taking you to go meet his brothers."Issac/Ice bear says your fine...If they don't like you Issac/Ice bear likes you". You smiled and kissed his cheek."Alright then lets go".  He opened the door and you both walked in the front room to see his brothers sitting on the couch."Hello there"~ said the black one getting up. He cat walked towards you and winked. Issac/Ice bear. Kicked him into the wall and ran outside. Out there you saw a Midget/Kohala."Hey there sexy"~ he said making you blush. Your boyfriend growled and Kicked him into the sky then ran to your house were he started a heated make out session. 

Hey Guys sorry i haven't updated in a while! Sorry about that i'll be trying to update more maybe three times a week! Love you guys~ 

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