If you can learn to do it

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Monday had arrived and Max and Chloe still weren't back. Kate and Victoria had to figure out what to do with the raunchy, outspoken other versions of their friends...and how to disguise Other Max's accent and Other Chloe's Californian accent.

Guide on acting like Max and Chloe
1. no cussing anyone out
2. Talked in a hushed tone or don't talk at all
3. Don't direct any attention to yourself
4. Tea parties with Kate every Wednesday
5. Don't and I repeat don't beat up Warren
6. Be nice to everyone
7. Take pictures regularly
8. No smoking any Mary Jane

It was working so far, it was almost like they were their Max and Chloe...the only big tests were photography class and eating at the two whales diner. They had Taylor and Joyce to worry about, after their run-in with Joyce and David. They had to be more careful.

Their first few classes were going good until Other Max decided to punch Warren in the face. Her response was "I didn't like the way his ugly face was looking at me", she hadn't known about their Max's obvious naive attitude towards the Warren situation. His response on the way to the nurse's office was "damn, chicks be crazy".

After that incident, they reached lunch time and ate in the cafeteria with no accidents or threats. Other Chloe had joined them with Kate, her day went very well until she decided to speak in philosophy class about the meaning of life. The teacher fainted. When she came to, she put on a film about Ghandi and muttered something about needing a vacation.

"I didn't know she was going to faint, my bad home dogs." Other Chloe quipped taking a bite into her BLT.

Victoria and Kate voiced a collective groan, 'these idiots'. They thought before taking bites into their own food. After lunch, they had to split once again for photography class which Kate, Victoria, and Max had. Usually they would talk about what they did over the weekend with Taylor. Other Chloe decided to wait in Kate's dorm, she was under specific instructions not to touch anything. She could do it right?

In photography class, they all took their seats and since there was about ten minutes before class started, they decided to talk with Taylor. They would simply explain about Max's lack of speech as her losing her voice over the weekend.

"So how was you guys weekend?" Taylor said smiling.

Other Max made a noise of displeasure but was quickly shutdown with a kick in the shin by Victoria. Taylor didn't seem to notice this, she was just waiting patiently for their answer. Kate and Victoria both looked at each other silently telling the other to say something. Kate finally spoke up.

She sighed "it was good! We had a lot of fun and ate a lot, how was yours at your parents?" She asked directing the attention from her and others.

Taylor answered laughing "it was like the usual, my mother is doing good..same for my father, and my brother is a little butt like always. They should send him to boarding school, I can tell he is running up their nerves...he tried to convince them to turn my room into an arcade haha." The others joined in on laughing except for Max.

"Haha that's funny, I'm surprised you didn't kick his ass Tay." Victoria said laughing.

Kate added in "if any of my sisters did that then, they would ship off to catholic school pronto" laughing.

Taylor took notice of Max's usual humorous comment, she voiced on her observation about Max's lack of speaking. The response she got was "oh, she lost her voice this weekend...from screaming during the scary movies, it should be back next week or maybe in two weeks" by Victoria. 'Well if Tori says it then it has to be true'. Taylor was good because she didn't question much things and she followed by what her friends said but mainly by what Victoria said.

Abridged Max (finished) Where stories live. Discover now