Chapter Two: The Betrayal

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Hello, it's Softband... again. I assume that if you are reading this, the first part is okay, right? Well, thank you.

Percy P.O.V

The Giant war is over. Everything is good. Annabeth and I got to relax, Leo returned with Festus, Nico started to date Reyna, Jason and Piper settled down in New Rome, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood were at peace, everything is perfect.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the air.

I jumped up and ran to Thalia's tree, trying to see what is going on. I saw a new camper running from a hellhound pup.

I quickly slashed the hellhound and killed it. I hurried over to the new camper to see who it is.

He had caramel colored hair and hazel blue eyes. He had this arrogant cocky aura around him. He was smirking slightly with his hands on his hips. He wore a red shirt and black jeans.

I hated him right away.

When the campers were coming up, he grabbed my sword and pushed me to the ground.

"What happened here, Percy?" Chiron yelled.

"Well," he started before I could say anything, "I saved this guy over there from an army of hellhounds while he just threw his sword at me and hid behind that tree!" He pointed to Thalia's tree.

Chiron stared at me with disappointment in his eyes. "Percy, I expected better from you!" Then he turned to the boy and asked "What is your name?"

The boy smirked slightly and answered "Rune. Rune Hell."

The campers walked away muttering to each other about how "selfish," "cowardly," and "stupid" I am.

I sighed. They'll be over it by dinner time.

Oh how wrong I was.

This entire week, Rune stole everything from me. He stole my friend's things and broke them, then placed it in my cabin. One by one, my friends drifted apart from me, even Annabeth! Worse, Rune was claimed as a child of Zeus. I hope he will be gone soon. Again, I was wrong.

I asked Annabeth to meet me at the beach. I wanted to give her a bracelet. It

was silver with tiny little sapphires and emerald. On the side, it said "Wise girl and Seaweed Brain, together forever." It was beautiful.

When I got there, I saw caramel hair and blonde curls. I knew that it was Rune and Annabeth. No. Annabeth will never betray me! Right? I was curious. So I hid behind a tree and listened.

"Oh Annie." Rune said. "I am a way better hero than Percy! When are you gonna break up with that sorry excuse of a demigod?"

"Yes." Annabeth said. "You are better than Percy in every way possible! I love you! Not Percy! I'll break up with him tonight at camp fire!"

Then they started kissing each other.

I couldn't stand it. I stomped out and snarled at Annabeth. "Really Annabeth? This is how you repay me? I declined immortality for you! I held the sky for you! I fell into Tartarus for you!" Tears sprang to my eyes. "I hate you, Annabeth! Have fun with your boyfriend, slut!" I threw down the bracelet and ran to my cabin.

When I got there, I saw Zeus and my father there.

"Lord Zeus, father," I said. "What is going on?"

"You worked against Olympus, Percy!" My father yelled. "I, Poseidon, God of the seas, disown Perseus Jackson!"

"We will hold a vote, Perseus." Zeus said. "Be there."

I gasped after they both left. Betray Olympus? Me? What the Hades! My fatal flaw is loyalty for goodness sake! And my fat- no... Poseiden disowned me!

I grabbed all my things and ran into the woods. I knew I couldn't stay. No, I did not want to stay in the Fields of Punishment because of something I did not do!

I suddenly heard a voice. I spun around, trying to find the source. It sound evil and ancient. Full of power. And time seems to slow down. I felt a shiver. No! How is he alive? He should be dead. But I knew it was him. It was...


"How?" I asked. Horror was clear in my voice. "I killed you! You should be in Tartarus!"

Kronos grinned evilly. "Oh, that's not important." He smirked even more. "I see what Olympus has done! They just sealed their death! Ha! They broke their hero!"

I uncapped my sword and lunged at Kronos. He barely dodged the blow. "Don't talk about it like that!" I screamed. "I am not going down without a fight!"

The smirk on Kronos's face turned into a frown, and into a snarl. "So be it," he hissed. "Oh so mighty hero of Olympus!"

He slashed at my legs, but I sidestepped to avoid it. I thrust the flat of my blade at him, who barely blocked it. We fought like that for a long time, before we both found an opening. I slashed his chest while Kronos stabbed me. I fell on the floor and Kronos exploded into golden dust.

I knew I was going to die. At least I fell in battle, I thought bitterly. Faintly, I could hear Zeus calling me to the meeting. But I slipped away before I could respond.

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