This Story is Probably Going to Be Discontinued

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I recently looked back at this story after all this time, sorry about not updating, by the way. I was reading it and I was wincing so much because the story is so cliche and overall: horrible.

I am probably going to discontinue the story. (cue the cheers. Oh wait, that's a depressing thought...) First off, barely anyone reads this story anyway, so what's the point? Second off, this story kinda sucks... 

I may delete the story, or I may not. I know how much I hated it when authors discontinued stories or deleted them. But now I understand why. So again, I'm sorry.

But that may change! If enough people read it, I may not delete it. But truly, I am so so sorry. I know how little people read my stories, so no one will see this note anyway... I apologize. 

Thank you to all the people that read my stories and showed support, even if very little people did it. It really meant a lot to me. Every view is so very precious. I'll probably discontinue and delete all my stories, I might never write another fanfiction again, but... never say never.

Anyways, this has been so fun. I sincerely apologize. There is no inspiration left in me anymore, unlike before. I'll miss you all, thank you.

And here are some of my favorite quotes (because I can! I do what I want!):

"If you look at all the villains in the course of human history, they've all believed, delusionally, in the virtue of their actions. Every villain is a hero in his own mind."-Tom Hiddleston

"I don't think anyone, until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return."-Tom Hiddleston

"Real love is strange and changeable but also somehow constant."-Tom Hiddleston

"We're all flawed heroes. Responsibility is power. Take responsibility for your actions, and the world is yours. Everything is a choice."-Tom Hiddleston

"Love your life. Because your life is what you have to give."-Tom Hiddleston

"You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain."-the Other in the Avengers

"I'm not your brother, I never was."-Loki from Thor

"Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we'll fight side-by-side forever. But at the end of each day, you're you and I'm me. I don't know if there's still good in you, but to be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago." Thor in Thor: Ragnarok

"You never have all the answers. Fate is cruel. The moment that you think you have everything, fate will snatch it all away in the blink of an eye. Humankind is doomed, you know. We will forever wander the darkness, convinced that we should keep trying because that will protect us against the true pain of this twisted, corrupted world. We seek answers that don't exist. We will forever wander, lost and confused, convinced that protection and safety lies not far away. The worst thing? We will never abandon the hope that it will. We are doomed, forever spiraling down into darkness and despair until it consumes us. Until it consumes all that is left of hope and life. After all, what can we, puny humans, do against the weight of destiny?"-My best friend (she was really upset when she said this...)

"The one you'll take a bullet for is the one behind the trigger."-unknown

Goodbye. I'll miss you all. Take these quotes as a farewell. I found them life-changing. I hope you find the same. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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