Chapter 27

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"My head hurts so badly" I said for myself trying to open my eyes but I was not able to due to all the crying.

Trying to open my eyes I felt something holding on to my waist. What could it be and the bedroom didn't smell like mine. When I felt that I was somewhere else I opened my eyes quickly and saw Bhuvan lying down next to me

"WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted and jumped out of the bed

"Baby girl, why are you screaming?"

"Arggghhh where am I?"

"In my room," he said getting up and resting on the headboard of the bed.


"Why am I in your room?"

"You were crying and I didn't want to leave you alone like that"

"That does not make any sense Bhuvan," I said walking around the room "you should have just dropped me at home".

Shit Home!!!! How long have I been here? What will my parents think now?

"Wait for how long have I been sleeping?" I asked him panicking.

"Ummm maybe for 7 to 8 hours," he said confused looking at the clock

"Oh my goodness, I need to get back home like RIGHT NOW" I yelled

"Geeezzz stop it baby girl, cos it's already 10," he said pointing at the clock which was hung on the wall

"WHATTTTTT 10 in the night?"

"Yes baby girl"

"Ass why didn't you wake me up?" I threw the pillow which was nearby to me

"Ouch, you ask too many questions" lucky he caught the pillow

"Shut up Bhuvan, I am here with a guy in the night and sleeping with him. What will my parents even think?" I said getting scared

"Shh baby girl, I have managed it all"

"Managed WHAT?"

"I called your parents and informed that you will be sleeping here"


"Baby girl you should stop shouting"

"Then stop making up things and tell me what you did," I said crossing my hands

"Fine," he said making himself more comfortable on the bed. "I called your friend Sara and asked her to inform your parents telling that you will be staying at her place and she agreed"

"Thank god, you are such a bum, you know that right"

"I know baby, anything for you"

"First let me talk to my parents and then I will give you some piece of advice"

"Please go ahead"

I looked at my phone and it was on the coffee table. I saw and there were no calls from my parents. I wonder how well Sara managed that they didn't even call me once to ask if I was really staying at her place.

I called my mum

"Hello Mommy," I said as soon as she picked the call

"Hey you ok?" she asked the other end sounding worried. I am such a mess I should have called before but I passed out.

"Yes mom, feeling better" I informed feeling guilty.

"Sara called and informed about Raghav and I am so sorry for your loss of friend"

"Hmm" I didn't know what to say

"Look Poo, you have to let go somethings. Come home soon"

"Yes mom, first thing in the morning"

"Okay then don't forget to have food and sleep well"

"Yup, Good Night"

As I finished talking to mum and turned to see that Bhuvan was sleeping so peacefully. I never got a chance to look at him so calm. He was always that smiling and makes fun of people. His dimples and charms were the best. I was the luckiest person to have him in my life.

As I was looking at him my phone started to ring again and looked at the phone and it was Parham.

I looked at Bhuvan and he was sleeping. So I just sat at the edge of the bed and answered the phone.


"Hello Poorvi"

"How are you?"

"Feeling better, how about you?"

"Yes good. Did you... Did you... See... Him?"

"Yes, I saw him and told you could not make it. I met his parents and I feel so bad for them"

"You guys should be there for his parents for few days"

"Yes will visit them once in a week"

"Hmm, did you guys leave?"

"Yes, we are on the way"

"How long will it take to reach?"

"Early morning"

Yes, Raghav's cremation was held in his hometown.

"You are fine right?"

"Yes I am fine"


This conversation was so awkward.

"Thank you for being with me at this time"

"That's fine Parham, what are friends for"

"These guys and acting crazy here"

"What happened?"

"They are irritating and want to speak to you"

What is wrong with these guys and why are they not serious

"Hello Poorvi, Prateek here"

"Hai Prateek"

"What are you doing girl?"

"Nothing boy, just sitting"

I heard them scolding each other to get hold of the phone. What is wrong with these guys?

"Hi Poo, Ankur here"


Why is he even talking to me now? I hardly speak to him at college and suddenly he wants to talk over the phone.

"Hope you're doing well"

"Yes I am fine, thank you"

Give me the phone I heard Parham yelling at Ankur. What is wrong with these guys?


"Hello, is everything ok?" I asked Parham "Why are you yelling?"

"Mad people," he said

We are here I heard Prateek and Ankur shouting. Seriously these guys were gone mad. But I was happy because they were trying to forget the pain.

"So funny," I said laughing

"Ya they are, ok I will text you morning because I am running out of battery"

"Yes sure"

"Take care"

"Take Care, reach back safe," I said and disconnected the call and looked behind to see Bhuvan staring at me like I had done something really wrong    


A/N: Sorry for the mistakes, the chapter is not edited.

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[To be Edited] Confused FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now