Meeting him

478 10 1

Lily's POV

Who thought fast Zombies were a good idea? That's all I can think when running from them not hmm I wonder if there is any where I can hind or should I turn around and shoot them. Nope I'm thinking why fast zombies why.

After considerable amount of running I finally see a not completely run down building that looks safe-ish. I bolt towards it and make it inside just as the Z's start pilling up against the door throwing them selves on it.

"How am I gonna get out of here?" I say to my self after locking the door.

"I don't know how are we?" I hear the voice of a man just before I hear the click of a bullet entering the chamber of a gun. "Hands up I wanna see them." He says, and I comply if I reached for the gun I have a feeing I would be dead before I set a finger on it.

"Good now, turn around." I once again do as he tells me and turn to see him. He is maybe 2-3 years older than me looks to be about 16-17, tall and lanky (but aren't we these days) shaggy black hair, blewygreeny eyes, light skin, a jaw line that could cut diamonds, and holding the sniper rifle pointed at my head.

"I'm friendly I swear." I try to tell him.

"Well aren't we all friendly when we have a gun pointed at our face?"

"Ha well I guess, if I give you mine will you put that thing down it's kind of scary." I try to say it using my best most childish voice to get him to sympathy the young part of me. I'm only 14 so it's worth a shot.

"Fine." He takes a step forward and reaches for my holster to grab the gun before lowering his.

"I'm lily." I say trying to be friendly, prove that it's not just when I have a gun pointed at me.

"Ten thousand."

"That's-" I try to start to say that 10k is not a name when he cuts me off.

"The number of zombies in going to kill, now lets add a few to the list and get the heck lout of here."

"And do you have any brilliant ideas as to how to do it, especially since ONE of us is with out a gun?" I say him truly focusing on the word one.

He gives the biggest sigh I have heard in years, actually the loudest thing I have heard come from another human in years now that I think about it. "Up stairs." He says.

It's an old house, I realise that now as we walk the halls and with the serene sound of Zombies banging on the main door I thing of the family that must have once lived here.

"To the roof." 10k says.

"So how are we going to get us there?" I ask suspiciously.

"Aren't windows wonderful." He says sarcastically while opening the door to one of the bedrooms upstairs.

"Oh no no no. You see I just can't do that. I'm-I'm afraid of heights, you know. And um..." I babel on while he opens the window and rips out the screen.

"Well I suggest you get over that fear of yours because it's that of die Lily." He then grand army hand and starts pulling me towards the window. "Ladies first."

Why did I choose this house. I think as he helps me through the window. Just as I land on the other side there is the unmistakable sound of o door being broken open.

10k gets wide eyes as he scrambles to make his way through the window. He badly makes it to the roof before the Zs come crashing into the room.

He tosses me my gun then together we start shooting them down. We are both good shots and the wall between us and them helps tremendously as we make quick work of them, the entire time 10k counting, "976, 977, 978...."

"Well I'm not waking through that room again." I say when he shoots the final Z.

"997, then we jump." He says it seriously turn turns and walks straight off the roof.

I immediately run to the edge only to find him standing there completely unharmed. "Your turn sweetheart." He says with a devil may care look in his eyes.

"This is gonna suck." I say to my self before hopping off the roof. There was free falling moment of terror before I landed with a very ungraceful thud. 10k helped me off the ground his hand strong in mine as he lifted my tiny body from the ground.

"You did good up there." He tells me, "Any group or is it just you?" He questions.

"Just me, been that way for the last month, You?" I ask back.

"Only me, my Pa died 3 months ago been alone since." He says sadly.

"You know your a pretty good shot, I wouldn't mine teaming up with a guy like you, I'm not really headed anywhere right now, just drifting." I say using a compliment to hopefully get him to agree. I'm tired of being lonely.

"I'd like that too." He gives me a big smile, my new partner gives me a smile.

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