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"We have been walking forever." I grown at 10k while leaning towards him for support. "Any longer and people will start to mistake me for a zombie." I complain again.

"Well you sure smell like one." He pushes me off, "We do need to stop soon though it's gonna get dark."

"Let's start looking I really don't want to camp outside, again." I tell him. All I get in response is a curt nod. I have learned, through the past few weeks, that he doesn't talk much. And he will shoot anything even if it doesn't have to be killed yet. His Pa and him were very close but he had to mercy him when he turned, that was his first kill on the way to 10,000.

"Is that a hotel?" He asks pointing to the building just down the street.

"Let's hope." I tell him and walk much faster to get there.

"We should stay on the first floor ." He says once we get inside, "I don't wanna clear out anything else, help me barricade the elevator?" He says before we open the front door

"Assuming there's not to many inside yes."

"And if there are." He quips back.

"Try not to die I know I like you it would suck if I had to mercy you." I tell him, "One, Two, Three!" I shout then open the door only to find... nothing the place had already been cleaned out.

"Let's hope who ever did this still isn't here." He says worriedly.

"Ya, were still barricading the elevator right." I tell more than ask him.

"Of course." We work together methodically using anything we find in the lobby to block it. "We make a good team." He tells me as we sit on the floor against it once finished.

"Now we gonna find a room." We find sharing better than being split up from each other in a night, a lot can happen in a night. It doesn't take long to make sure the rooms are all cleared out and find the cleanest one to stay in. Two large beds and no blood stains on them, I don't know how we get so lucky.

"I'll check the water." I say once we decide on a room, it won't hurt to look at least, And.... "ITS RUNNING!" I shout with joy before I start striping. What I wasn't counting on when I took my shirt off was 10k walking into the bath room to see if I was serious.

"Oh shoot! Sorry!" He yelled when he opened the door to see me in only a bra and underwear.

"SORRY!" He yells again from the other side of the door once it's promptly shut. I feel extremely frazzled as I jump into the shower and the cold water hits my back.

I try to take as quick a shower I can there's not muck soap left but it's something I grab my razor from my bag and shave my legs and arms quickly. Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean I can't like the feeling of freshly shaved legs. I get out of the shower pull on some underwear along with a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants.

"Showers all yours." I tell 10k as I exit the bathroom having nearly forgotten the incident from earlier.

"Thanks." He grabs some clothes from his bag and walks to the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

I take inventory of our supplies while he is in there. We have enough water for maybe 3-4 days each. Food for a week if we ration correctly and enough knives to open a store. On the stance of guns we each have 3 but ammo we are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with that stuff. I sigh at our bleak weapon situation. 10k walks out of the bathroom soon after I put everything away.

"We need more ammo." I tell him.

"We always need more ammo." He says back, making me crack a small smile.

"Seriously thought 10k we are running stupidly low.

"We'll look for some tomorrow, Lily, now get some sleep I'm exhausted.

"Yes Dad." I grumble at his parent like attitude. So what if he's 18 and I'm 14 that doesn't mean he should treat me like a child.

"What did you just say?" He asks giving me a chance to change my statement.

"I said, Yes Dad." I respond defiantly with a smirk in my face wondering how he is going to react to this.

He looks me right in the eyes before saying, "Do I look like a zombie to you?" It's a low blow even for him and anyone else would cry at it but now me. I wasn't ever close with my Dad he didn't live with us and well I never really liked him so I guess that's that 10k is trying to say. He knows I like him and am stuck with him so Dad is a derogatory statement.

I simply glare back with a smile still dancing on my lips before saying "Good night 10k."

I pull back the covers on my bed and crawl in he does the same and each of us falls into a light sleep.

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