Saving Doc... AGAIN

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"Ok if the next car we fine doesn't have any gas in it I'm praying." Addie says after a minute of silence.

"I thought any one left who believed in god before would have given up on him by now." Says the Dick from inside the car, I still don't know his name but I really have no problem calling him Dick until I figure it out.

"Oh trust me Murphy I am NOT a believer." Oh, I guess his name is Murphy.

"Garnett, you might wanna check this out." Says a girl inside the car holding a map, I think she's about 10years older than me, with long dark brown hair and amazing skin.

"What's up?" Our driver questions.

"It looks like there's an old refinery close by, that might have some gas." She says with a tone in her Voice like she's waiting to get a but in there well.

"So what's the problem?" Garnett asks concerned.

"It will take all of our left over gas to get there." She says glumly.

"It's worth a shot." Says the women in the front passengers seat.

"Bu-" he barely gets out before 10k butts in.

"I think you should go for it."
he says through the window connecting us to the inside.

"Alright, lets hope this works."

"Ok take a left up here." The girl with the map says.

The tank starts to sputter out just as we pull us at the refinery. "There better be some gas here cause if not we are screwed." The old guy says.

"Damn this place is all run over." Garnett says.

"That might be a good thing." I interject, "if it's been like this from the start all the gas is still here."

"I like the way this kid thinks, what are your names anyway?" Garnett asks 10k and I.

"I'm 10k," he starts, "and this is Butthead."

"HEY!" I half shout hitting his torso lightly, it's all muscle.

"Sorry my tongue slipped, what I mean to say was Lily." I just glare at him.

"Right well here's the plan." He says talking to the big group while he explains I learn all their names, Doc, the old guy, is going to stay here with Murphy who apparently is no allowed to die something about having to get to California, I only heard half of that conversation. While Addie and her boyfriend Mack go try and find/ stop the source of a loud noise that is attracting the Z's. Cassandra, map girl, is going to go with Garnett and Warren, women from the passengers seat, to find gas tanks and a hose for them.

10k and I were given very specific instructions of  "don't die." 

We all grab our weapons from the car and I actually remember mine this time, 10k and I head into the main building of the refinery just to look around, well more like that's were 10k goes and I follow him.

"How long are we going to stay with these People?" I ask once the door closes behind us and we are left alone.

"Not sure yet but I'm thinking of sticking around for the long haul, they are talking about California and well that doesn't seem to bad to me." He says.

"If you think so." I say apprehensively.

"Jackpot." He calls after walking up a flight of steps. Two cans of gas, "hold this" he hands me one.

"Lets see if we can find more." I say lifting the heavy container.

"You got it?" He asks seeing me struggle, I swear this think weighs more than me.

"Possibly." I grone.

"Come on miss weakest link." He says pulling me up another flight of stairs.

We find a balcony like in this one and decide to rest there for a while, give 10k time I shoot some stuff, he pulls out his sling shot for this and has at it while I attempt to find the others.

"Ah!" We here a very Doc line shout pulling both of our attentions to the left.

"Ha, looks like I gotta save his ass again." 10k laughs before pulling back the slingshot with an old washing machine part for a projectile. He releases it at the perfect time, 1048, he does the same think with another that way attacking Doc, 1049, and again.

"1050" we both say at the same time then laugh. Doc is out of trouble now so we go back inside to explore some more, nothing useful.

"We should head down there the should be wrapping up soon." I tell him after 15 more minutes.

"Right." He starts down the stairs going before me.

They all look beaten down and not a single one of them has gas cans on their hands.

"Hey guys!" 10k says getting their attention at we get closer.

"Kids!" Doc shouts when he sees what we have, "you two are like gods." We all laugh at that.
Soon we are in the car driving away from that awful place.

I close my eyes and begin to dose off when my brain re-erects the image of 10k looking as hot as ever. I know it's wrong of me to think that especially of someone who is so much older than me, but I just can't stop picturing it

10k's love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora