Chapter 9- Lovino

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Chapter 9- Lovino's POV

"Let's just get this out." Antonio said. We were still sat on the golden sands of the beach with each other discussing who-knows-what."I have only been with you for a few weeks. Is there anything left that I don't know about you because if there is I'd like to know."
I thought about it.
"What kind of things?" I asked.
"Any hobbies, likes, dislikes, weird kinks, anything like that?"
I laughed.
"I guess I like dancing?" I said quietly.
"Dancing?" He repeated.
"I kind of like old folk dances and stuff. I know, I'm weird."
"I like to dance too." Antonio said. "I like flamenco."
"The waltz is my favourite." I said.
"Hmm... perhaps I'll have to write you a waltz at some point. I'll call it 'Lovino's Waltz'."
"Wow. How cheesy and unimaginative." I said.
"I knew you'd like it." He smiled.

Suddenly his face lit up and he ran to his car. He grabbed some things and then ran back to our table in the restaurant.
"What are you doing, you spoon?" I called.
No reply. Antonio returned moments later with a bluetooth speaker no bigger than a fizzy drinks can, a small cardboard box, and our unfinished glasses of sweet lemonade that we had left at our table. He put the empty box down on the sand and put the speaker and his phone ontop of it.
"Speaker system!" He announced with grinning pride.
"Clever... but why?"
He handed me my lemonade and I dug out a small cup holder in the sand into which I placed my glass.
"For dancing!"

He turned on the music on his phone and a barndance piece played out the speaker. He grinned and held out his hand to me as the fiddling and violins began their tune. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

I tried my best not to smile. I failed but damn it I tried!
"I'm not intoxicated yet." Was my lame excuse not to humiliate myself.
"Come on, Lovi." He pleaded.
My voice dropped to little more than a whisper.
"But people in the restaurant will stare." I murmered. "I don't like being looked at."
The truth was I was never very confident with my appearance. I had quite a round face and I was kind of chubby. I tried to wear clothes that made me look slimmer but I always felt self concious around other people.

Antonio looked into my eyes and held my hands. I could feel the pulse in his fingers and hear the rhythm of his breathing as he looked hard into my eyes like he was searching for something.
"Hmmm.... just as I thought." He said very matter of factly.
"Oh yeah? What's that then?"
"You're absolutely beautiful."
A goofy grin spread across my face.
"Shut the hell up and dance with me, you bastard."

Antonio started to clap and move his hips to the music in a sort of flamenco-barndance hybrid style. I went along with whatever the fuck he was doing with his feet in the knowledge that I looked completely ridiculous.

As we got about half way through the song though, he gave up on his new dance style and linked arms with me, spinning around and laughing. I felt like my lungs were on fire but I kept going. Frankly, it was the most fun I'd had in years and I broke my record for longest continuous fit of laughter.

As I got more and more out of breath, Antonio crossed his hands over and grabbed mine, spinning around in cicles and making me dizzy. A rush of adrenaline pulsed through me and I struggled to control my laughter as the whole world became a spinning blur except from Antonio's smiling face.

All at once, the music stopped and Antonio and I fell in a laughing heap on the floor. I quickly climbed ontop of him and pressed my lips hard onto his. He was a little shocked for a few seconds but after he let it sink in, he kissed me back a lot harder than I expected. It wasn't like our normal soft and gentle kisses; it was rough and passionate and wanting.

I broke off the kiss for air, Antonio's face still displaying a shocked expression through his smile. Oh, that smile, it was so cute it drove me mad. I softly kissed the corner of his mouth and made my way across his cheek and down his neck. Antonio was clearly having trouble not closing his eyes and completely falling into my kisses, but instead of going easy on him, I decided I would be ruthless.

My hands crept up the hem of his shirt as my lips tended to every inch of visible collar bone. Antonio blushed.
He moaned slightly. Suddenly his eyes widened and his cheeks turned a dark shade of red.

No mercy! I thought as my hands wandered up and down his torso.

He sat up and lifted my chin so I was looking at him.
"What do you say we finish this at the Casa de Carriedo?" He whispered. I smiled, trying my best to be seductive instead of goofy.

This chapter was based on Alexander Rybak's song 'Barndance'.

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