Chapter 16- Lovino

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Chapter 16- Lovino's POV

"Why can't you come with me?"
I asked, lacing up my shoes.
"Because I'm only hired for 6pm-9pm." He replied. "They don't want me singing all day long."
"I do." I replied.
Antonio smiled and handed me my coat.
He quickly kissed me goodbye and I headed out the door.
"I love you!" He called after me.
"I love you too, you bastard." I chimed.

I got into my car and turned on the stereo. Well when I say my car I mean the car that I own but Antonio uses more than me because he loves open cars and his isn't one. Also we had been sharing pretty much everything since I moved in with him two years ago. Unfortunately, Antonio's Patti Page CD was still in there so I had to listen to that all the way to work. Damn him and his horrible taste in music!
I spent the whole day at work humming Patti Page and getting some confused looks from customers. I didn't mind it though.

For the whole day I felt like a small child staying up to see the tooth fairy or something; I was all excited and whenever there was the slightest noise near the door, my head shot round to see who was there. I knew Antonio wasn't coming until 6 o'clock but all day I was on edge waiting for him. My eyes kept flicking to the door and then my watch and then back to the door, until finally Antonio came through the door with his guitar case.

I ran straight over to him and flung my arms around him, almost knocking him over. I noticed a lot of people smiling over at us as he kissed me on the cheek.
"I've planned something special for the finale." He said, a gleam of excitement and anticipation in his eyes.
"Well my shift ends in..." I checked my watch. "5... 4... 3... 2...1... yep, now you can go." I took off my apron and threw it on the floor. I sat down at a table and ordered a lemonade as Antonio got ready to sing his first song.

All his songs were incredible as usual, but I felt like I wasn't letting myself enjoy them enough; I was too busy thinking about the finale. Antonio was pretty damn romantic and since everybody knew about us, he would have no problem expressing that. I could tell he had something good planned by what he was wearing: a tuxedo jacket, smart trousers and a bowtie. It was much more formal than his usual getup.

By the time Antonio had finished all his songs but one, I had got through at least ten glasses of lemonade and had to visit the bathroom at least four times. I ordered yet another lemonade as Antonio introduced his last song.

"I wrote his last one while I was in Spain. I'd like to dedicate it to Lovino. I... he... yeah."
He was doing his nervous thing again: head tilted to the side and fidgety hands. But what was he nervous about? I looked down at my glass as I felt everyone turn to look at me. It only took them a few seconds to get bored of staring at me and return to their own conversations. I smiled at Antonio and he began playing.

The song was nothing like what I thought it would be. He only sang up to the first chorus, but it was really beautiful.

'Far from the place
Where I'm writing this song
There is a boy
To whom my heart belongs
He doesn't know
That I'm thinking of him
But again
That's not the point

He makes me glad
Just by being alright
Though I would wish
That just for one night
He would come back
And again we'd be friends
Like those times
When love never ends

Watching your picture
I feel I'm with you
And your hand is flirting with mine
Maybe it's pointless
But what can I do?
Knowing you're one of a kind

I know I'll be fine

But dare I say
You are amazing in every way
And would you mind
If we woke up with each other each day?'

I stared wide eyed at him as the music came to a premature but clearly intentional end. Antonio put down his guitar and beckoned me with his finger. I ran straight up onto the stage and kissed him.
"That was beautiful." I smiled. "But why did you end your grand finale so early?"
Antonio smiled smugly.
"Lovi, that wasn't the finale. The finale is at home."
My heart jumped with excitement.
"What?" The finale being at home meant it was something for me and me only. My mind and heart raced as I tried to figure out what it could be. I had no idea.
"Shall we?" Antonio gestured towards the door and I grabbed him by the hand, leading him away as quickly as I could.

The car journey was torture. I was itching to know what was going to happen.
"Pease tell me?"
"Come on, you bastard, just tell me what it is!"
"No, it's a surprise! I'm pleasantly surprised myself that you haven't guessed it already."
Damn. He really wasn't going to tell me. I'd have to wait an excruciating twenty minutes to get home and find out.

When we pulled up on the driveway, I practically dived out the car and raced to the front door. I don't know what I expected, but it was eerily quiet in the house. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at all. He followed me into the living room.
"So what's the surprise then?"
"Surprise Disney marathon. I need to go and change first though." And he left the room.
Are you kidding me? I don't know what I expected but I thought it would be a little more than just a Disney marathon. We did Disney marathons at least once a week.

Then Antonio shouted: "You're going to have to look for all the DVD's though. They apear to have gone walkabout."
What the fuck? He was right. All the Disney DVD's were gone from the shelf. I spotted 'Cinderella' on the floor by the kitchen so I walked over to pick it up. I noticed a piece of red ribbon tied around the doorhandle. That's odd. 'The Aristocats' was attached to the ribbon by a laundry peg, as if it had been hung out to dry.

I followed the piece of ribbon around the kitchen, DVD after DVD, and collected them all. What was all this?
The ribbon was tied around cupboards and drawers and taps and anything in sight. It eventually led me into the dining room, where I picked up the last DVD, 'Lady and the Tramp'. And then the ribbon ended.
What was all that about? Was this one of Antonio's little tricks? Some sort of puzzle to entertain me? Was this the big surprise? A treasure hunt?

I gave up trying to figure it out and turned around to see Antonio (still wearing his tuxedo) knelt down on one knee, with a small box in his hand. So this was the grand finale. I put two and two together and my heart started racing.
"Oh my God." I whispered.
Antonio realised that I finally understood and smiled broadly at me.
"Lovino Vargas..." he opened the box to reveal a small, dainty diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?"

I squealed a little as a surge of adrenaline rushed through me.
"Oh my God, Antonio, yes!"
I ran up and flung my arms around him, hugging him tight.
He broke off the hug, took my left hand and fitted the ring onto my ring finger.
He held me in his arms and we kissed. I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes so I pulled away.
"Oh, come on." Antonio said, noticing the tears.
My eyes overflowed and the tears of joy spilled over my cheeks.
"Sorry, I can't help it. I'm just really happy." I sobbed, smiling through my silly and unnecessary tears. I buried my soggy face in Antonio's shoulder. "I love you." I sniffled.
"I love you too."


And that's the end! I really hope you enjoyed this story. It took me ages to write and honestly isn't even that good but oh well.

The song used in this chapter is 'Dare I Say' by Alexander Rybak. None of the songs, films or characters in this fanfic are mine so please don't sue me.

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