Chapter 13- Antonio

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Chapter 13- Antonio's POV

"Excuse me?" I said politely to the man behind the bar. The man turned around (another smiley Italian).
"How can I help you, sir?" He asked.
"Does Lovino Vargas still work here?" I said. The man's face darkened.
"Little Lovi. Yes." He said plainly.
I frowned.
"What's wrong?"
The barman looked down at the glass he was polishing.
"He's been... down lately. Very distant. About a year ago his partner left him. He's been all sad and lonely ever since."
I felt a stab of guilt in my chest. I had to find him.
"Do you have any idea where he is?" I asked.
"No, sorry."
Fuck. I'd have to go looking for him.

I ran down almost every street in the damn town and my energy was running low. I was out of breath and limp like a ragdoll, too tired to run any more. But then I saw a brown haired man with a figure that was all too familiar standing on the edge of a bridge. He looked like he was about to jump off.

My heart practically stopped beating. "Shit!" I hissed, and frantic panic started to rise in my chest. I sprinted as fast as I could towards him.

"NO STOP!" I screamed, starting to cry. He wobbled a little on the edge, looking like he could fall off any second.
I finally reached him and grabbed his waist, pulling him off the railing and far back from the edge.
I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes, tears streaming down my face.
I pulled him into a tight hug and then quickly released him.

I looked worriedly into his eyes. I realised that perhaps this wasn't the gentlest way for him to see me again after almost a year. His eyes stared absently into mine, as if he hadn't realised who I was yet, or he was still taking it in. I breathed heavily as his eyelids drooped slightly. He gasped a little and shook his head in disbelief.

"Lovino?" I said softly. "Are you okay?"
I saw the love in his eyes quickly fall away. It was replaced by anger and a bitter scowl.
"Am I okay?" He said quietly. "Am I okay?!"
He pulled away from me, shook his head and scoffed.
"Of course I'm not fucking okay! How could I be? You left me! You prick!" He spat.
"Look, Lovino, I'm sorry. Let me explain." I reached a hand out towards him.
Lovino jumped back.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He yelled, his eyes welling up with tears. "DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME AGAIN!"

My stomach tied itself into a nauseating knot. All this time I'd had faith that Lovino knew I still loved him. I told him every day I would come back to him. I guess my faith was misplaced.
"Lovino, please..."
"Never come near me again."
He turned and walked in the opposite direction. I ran after him and grabbed his arm, desperately trying to stop him.
He tugged his arm away from me and scowled.
"I said stay away." He spat.

This time when he walked away, I let him go. I knew I would never get him back that way. But I couldn't quit. I couldn't let him go forever. I had to think of a plan.


Hey! I'm sorry this chapter is so short (it's only half the length of what I usually put in a chapter) but there's a few longer ones coming up. I hope you're enjoying the story!


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