Chapter 10- Lovino

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Chapter 10- Lovino's POV

This whole chapter is smut.
There will be sex.
You can skip it if you don't want to read about sex and it's sex because this is a smut warning and this is smut.
You have been warned.

I spent the entire car journey back to his villa itching to feel his body and to kiss him.

Control yourself, damn it! I thought.

We pulled up into the driveway painfully slowly so as soon as the car had stopped I was straddling him.

LEAVE THE POOR GUY ALONE! STOP THROWING YOURSELF AT HIM! I told myself. I didn't listen to this awful piece of advice though, and Antonio ended up having to carry me inside. By 'carry' I mean I clung onto his hips with my legs and kissed him so he couldn't see and almost tripped over several paving stones.

He fumbled for the front door key. Once we were in the house, he kicked the door shut and carried me straight through into the living room. I giggled as he pressed me down onto the sofa and continued to kiss me. We kicked off our shoes and socks and left them in the middle of the floor. Frankly, the sofa wasn't big enough for two people to lie on but for this purpose it'd do just fine. I pulled him on with me, flipped him onto his back and straddled his hips, immediately dominating.

Antonio closed his eyes as my lips resumed their position on his neck. This time though, I didn't plan on being gentle. I embellished his neck and lower jaw with red marks and tiny bruises. I stamped him with my little love marks and proceeded to tear his shirt off as quickly as possible so I could begin doing the same to his chest.

I kissed every inch I could reach, leaving marks with my teeth every so often. Antonio was breathing heavily. He reached up, unbuttoned my shirt and threw it carelessly on the floor. Next, his hand wandered towards my rebellious, gravity-defying hair curl that stuck out from the side of my head. I pressed my knee lightly onto his crotch and increased the pressure bit by bit until he was clutching the edge of the sofa cushion- partially from pain, partially from pleasure.

"That'll teach your hands to wander." I said, removing my knee and instead replacing it with the palm of my hand.
Antonio inhaled sharply as I rubbed him through his trousers. I felt him get harder and harder.

I moved my hand back up to his face where I slowly traced a line from his lips to his trousers, twiddling the waistband as a silent request for entry. He nodded so I tugged off his trousers and then mine.

I straddled him again and began to grind against his hardness with my own. The small squeak of pleasure he emitted was enough to make me as hard as him. Without hesitation, I ripped off his pants and let him take off mine so we were grinding skin against skin with nothing inbetween our bodies. It felt like heaven.

I asked if he had any lube.
Between gasps and sweet little sighs, Antonio told me that he had some upstairs. No way was I going upstairs and leaving this magnificent sight.

"We'll have to go without." I muttered.
"Are you sure?" Antonio asked.
"Yeah, I'm not going all the way upstairs to get it, not now."
"It'll hurt you." He warned.
"It'll hurt me anyway."
"If you're too lazy, I'll get it." He said, sitting up. I quickly silenced him with a kiss and pushed him back into a lying down position.
"No, I don't want to hurt you any more than I have t- ah..." I ended his protests by grabbing his erection and rubbing my thumb over the tip of it. He bucked his hips and wimpered.

"F-fine but just stop teasing." He begged.
I smirked and kissed his neck, leaving a trail of kisses down his torso. I stopped before his erection, making him whine.

I couldn't wait any longer and judging by Antonio's face, neither could he. I took a deep breath and slowly but surely lowered myself onto his penis. I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out; he was bigger than I thought. I tried not to show Antonio how much he was hurting me but I couldn't help a cry of pain escaping my lips. Perhaps some lube and preparation wouldn't've been such a bad idea. Still, I had to bear through the pain. It'd all be worth it in the end, right?

"Ow... fuck." I murmured, tears pricking my eyes. I grabbed a fistful of Antonio's hair and tried to contain a sob. He propped himself up on his elbows and kissed all over my cheek, jaw and neck. It didn't exactly help the stinging but it made me feel a little better.
"You ok?" He asked.
My face screwed up as I took in the full length of him. I exhaled sharply and nodded.

Soon I'd completely relaxed, feeling the full sensation of him inside me. It hurt like hell, but soon the pain melted away and I started to wriggle slightly to get more used to the feeling.

"Ready to move?" He asked.
"Yeah." I whispered.
I moved up a little and then dropped back down. I did it again, this time moving more and moving faster. Antonio moaned softly. Each time my movements got harder, stronger and quicker.

Antonio let out a long moan as I tried to get him in deeper, testing slightly different angles to find my prostate. I cried out when he hit it and swore loudly in Italian.

I readjusted my grip on Toni's hair and yelped with every movement. He moaned into my ear.
"L-Lovino... ah, fuck. Aahhh..."
He reached up and grasped my sensitive hair curl, rubbing it between his thumb and forfinger. It sent shudders of pleasure through me.

With each movement and sweet moaning sound, both Antonio and I came closer and closer to finishing. He cried my name and bucked his hips as he came, pushing me over the edge too.
"Oh God! Antonio! Fuck..."

Once we were done, I collapsed, exhausted, onto Antonio with my head on his chest. Our faces were red hot and flushed and we were panting heavily. He put his arm around me and I nestled my head into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of his breathing.

"Lovi, are you a virgin?" He asked, still a little out of breath.
I looked at him. "Seriously? What the fuck kind of question is that? We just had sex, you imbecile!"
He smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I mean before today, were you a virgin?"
I blushed.
"Yeah... but not any more thanks to you, bastard!"
"That's surprising, you were so good at all that stuff.
Antonio laughed.
"What about you?" I asked.
He suddenly fell very quiet.
"Um... no." He said awkwardly.

His eyes were glazed over, clouded in thought. After a minute or two I thought it would be best to change the subject.

"Sweets and Disney?" I said quietly. Antonio smiled.
"Yeah, but let me take a shower first, I'm covered in your-"
"YES OK." I interrupted. "Go take a shower, jerk. You're all sweaty."
Antonio laughed and headed upstairs while I searched his kitchen for sweets.

I ended up with two glasses of lemonade and a bowl of tootsie rolls and toffee bonbons. I put 'Lilo & Stitch' on and got dressed back into my own clothes (except the shirt- I wore Antonio's shirt).
When he came back downstairs, he had soaking wet hair and nothing but a towel around his waist. He saw me dressed in his shirt and sighed.
"What am I supposed to wear then?"
"I guess you'll have to go topless." I sighed, smiling.

Antonio put on his pants and trousers and joined me on the couch. I glanced at the clock. It was only 8:30pm. Nevertheless, I enjoyed an early night. I rested my head on Toni's shoulder and let my eyelids fall shut.

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