Chapter 14- Lovino

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Chapter 14- Lovino's POV

How could he do that to me?
I cursed under my breath, still mad about what had happened on the bridge the previous day. Antonio was a cock and I loved him too much.

I leant down to take a diner's dirty plates away and someone walked right into me, almost knocking me over. If I wasn't at work and on the brink of being fired by my own grandpa for being rude to customers, I would've turned around and yelled at the clumsy fucker. But no, I had to compose myself and politely ignore him. I turned my head to see who it was.

It was Antonio the bastard. Of course it was. It was always the bastard. Whenever I tried to lose him, he just kept coming back like some sort of tomato loving Spanish boomerang.

I flipped him a discreet middle finger and he made a heart shape with his hands in response. My chest tighened but I pretended I felt nothing. It was easier to push him away than to get hurt again.

Against my will, I found my legs forcing me towards the table he was sat at. Damn you, legs. He looked up at me and smiled.
"What are you so happy about?" I asked.
"Hello Lovino!" He said cheerfully.
I was ready to sass the shit out of him but I could feel my grandpa's glare like a lazer on the back of my neck.
"You seem to be sat alone at a table for two there, Romeo."
Antonio just smiled.
"Won't you join me?" He asked.

YES YES YES my heart was screaming DO IT
Unfortunatly my brain decided otherwise. I had to keep my distance.
"I thought I told you to stay away from me." I said.
"You came over to me." He replied.

Damn it, he was right. I mentally kicked myself and took a seat opposite him.
"Why are you back?" No beating around the bush, I wanted to know.
"Because I love you."
I shook my head slightly and I felt a lump rise in my throat.
"Bullshit." I spat.
Antonio looked hurt.
"I told you, didn't I? Every day I told you I'd come back."
I rolled my eyes. Every day I got the same damn text message from him: 'I'm coming back.'
"That was bullshit too, the whole lot of it. Us, all this." I gestured to the space between us.
"Lovino you don't honestly think I meant what I said about not loving you, do you? After all we've been through..."

I just shook my head. My vision was blurred by the tears in my eyes but I promised myself I wasn't going to cry.
"Why did you have to go back to Spain in the first place?"
Antonio rubbed the back of his neck. He was doing his nervous thing again. His body language was so easy to read.
"Promise you won't get mad? And no interruptions either."
I nodded slowly, slightly worried about what he was going to tell me.
"There's this girl, Belle. She moved from Belgium to Spain a couple of years ago, she lives down the street from me. My parents set us up practically the second she moved into the street. We've been dating ever since but I don't even like her. Then a few months ago, she decided she wanted to marry me and there was so much pressure on me from my family and her family, so I said yes."

I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw a chair across the room and smash a vase and shout and scream at him for being such a cold hearted user and a prick.
But I told Antonio I wouldn't interrupt. Right now that was probably the only thing stopping me from killing someone.

"I knew straight away it was a mistake and I decided to go on this road trip with Gil and Francis to get away from everything. And then I met you and I fell in love. But I had to go back." Antonio explained.
A tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek.
"Well it's good to know that you spent this past year getting married to a Belgian girl."
I got up out of my chair and turned to leave.
"I'm sure you'll be very happy together." I said sarcastically.
"Belle and Antonio, domestic bliss!" I chimed.
"Lovino I didn't go back there to marry her, I went back so I could call off the wedding and tell my parents to go fuck themselves!" Antonio called after me.
I stopped in my tracks.
"I love you, not her." He sighed.

I turned back around to face him. I was a crying emotional wreck.
"Antonio. I'm sorry. I know how much you sacrificed for me but I can't get hurt again." I said.
"Look at the state I'm in from just talking to you! It'll be better if we just stay away from each other for a bit."
I proceeded to walk out of the restaurant. I didn't care that it was half way through my shift; grandpa can go and fucking fire me if he wants to. I had bigger problems to worry about.

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